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Hiiiiiiii. Second chapter for all of you...

When I stepped in the house, I was greeted by my beloved aunt. She hugged me like she's inserting all of her love in to my nerves. "I...I cant brea—".

She slowly apart, her hand were still on my shoulders she looked me in the eyes and hugged again" I missed you Lilly. I'm so glad you came back home."

I felt my shoulders wet because of her tears. "Aww I missed you too aunt Tamara". I said wiping my nose.

"I've made your favourite cake. If you like yo—".

"Mom I think she should rest she must be tired, right Silly?" I didn't realized that Luke was glancing at me this whole time.

"I....? No I'm not tired, actually I never get tired of anything unless its about the boring math stuff and its Lilly not Silly". I said while rolling my eyes at the subject math.

"As you wish". Luke said and walked up the stairs to his room.

"Lets make coffee with cake also I love cake with coffee......And by the way where am I going to sleep? Of course we were kids when I and Luke used to share a room but.... now I'm... You know?". I said to aunt.

"Oh of course dear but unfortunately im also sharing my room with Rebecca so there's not enough space for you so i guess you have to share Luke's room this time im sorry sweety". She said while cutting a piece of cake.

"Oh..... who's Rebecca?" I asked with a mouth full of cake.

"She's our neighbor her parents are gone to London because of some office work."

"Wow where is sh—". I turned around to see if she's wandering around and I saw a beautiful tall girl standing behind me. Her hands were crossed against her chest. "Oh....Hi! You must be Rebbeca( I pulled out my hand ) nice to meet you."

"Yeah and you must be the new house keeper would you make me a cup of green tea I think I ate too much today".

"Uh...no your mistaken I'm not the house keeper I'm Lilly Ripley this is my aunt's home I'm going to live here for three months and th—".

"Okay whatever you are would you make me a cup of green tea I gotta do some fitness exercise unlike you". She traveled her eyes up and down on me with an un-interested sigh.

I lowered my gaze and started to walk towards the kitchen to make her green tea of course there was no other option neighbourhood comes first. "no Lilly stop right here, Rebecca you go and make a cup of green tea for yourself". Aunt Tamara said. Sometimes she's not sweet to everyone.

Rebecca looked at me in anger and walked out of the room.

After having a lil coffee party with aunt Tamara I walked up the stairs to Luke's room. My suitcases were already settled down on the floor. I raced my eyes all over the room and there were two single beds, like they used to be, one for me at the window side and the other for Luke.

(Download this app to design your dream house, it's a bit difficult but interesting

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(Download this app to design your dream house, it's a bit difficult but interesting. I designed this for my book, tehe.)

Where did Luke go? I realized he's not in the room.

I walked towards the window and watched the tree and grass covered with white snow.

I turned around and saw my favourite fruit loops on the side table of my bed. I ate a spoopful of the fruit loops.

Suddenly Luke came out of the bathroom unexpectedly shirtless.

"What are you doing with my fruit loops?" Luke asked wrapping a towel around his waist low enough so his V-abs showed. The muscles on his body moved. He is become handsome.

I covered my eyes with my hands and said, "I'm stealing these from you boii".

He chuckled in his deep voice, "you can't look at me?"

Finally at least I saw him chuckling.

"Nope" I said chewing on his loops.

"You are not even going to take a peek?"

I blushed but thankfully my face was covered with my hands so he can't see my red cheeks, "shoo go and wear a shirt".

I can feel his smirk.

"Okay all set!"

I removed my hands from my face and took another spoonful of loops.

He walked closer and took out the spoon from my mouth and ate spoonful of loops himself.

What does he wear to his bed? Does he chill with his shirt off? Will my evenings become live screening of Magic Mike?

"What's that smell?"


I took a deep breath and walked out of the room Luke followed. We were walking down the stairs sniffing the smell in the air and we faced Rebecca walking up the stairs already.

"What happened? Why do you look so-" I was cutted by aunt Tamara's scream.

Luke and I looked at each other in tense + shocked + confused and rushed to the kitchen.

"OH NOoo my cookies are burned". Aunt Tamara said taking out the burned cookies out of the oven.

"Told ya I really smell something."

"Not my problem."

Ugh. This boy.

I huffed and helped aunt Tamara to clean the mess. And we baked rest of the unbaked cookies.

And now I smell like the burned cookies. I really need to take a bath. I stuffed a cookie in my mouth and rushed up stairs in the bathroom.


I have a terrible voice I know you expected a voice of angle... Ok you didn't but I was going all out anyway, high pitched and off-tune scrubbing my hair with another layer of shampoo, pretending that the bottle was my microphone. 


"Is a cat dying in here?"

I screamed and dropped the shampoo bottle on the ground I almost slipped over it. Struggling to contain myself in the shower.


"Can you please sing a bit slow there are some people who don't like high pitched songs".

When did he came in the room? And that was rude. I know my voice is a trash but that's still not the way to talk.

Of course this is my first day in this house after a long period so he should be respectful to his guests.

"KISS ME KISS ME SAY THAT YOU MISS ME-" I continued my singing concert in the bathroom.


"I WONT STOP UNTIL YOU ASK ME TO STOP IN A GENTLE WAY." We were shouting at each other even the bathroom was attached in the room.

"OKAY then stay in the bathroom for tonight." He said and I heard that he locked the door from outside.

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