Milk and Tangerine

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4 guys are walking towards the gym for the boy's volley ball club, while they got closer to the gym, the shouting gets louder and louder.

"I wonder what's the shouting all about?" a male with fluffy silver hair with an attractive mole under his left eye. This guy is handsome and shit, marry me Sugawara Koushi.

"Tch. I bet it's those first years causing a ruckus, wait till I teach them a lesson!" an almost bald headed male yelled, making some type of delinquent face. This guys is handsome too, marry me to Tanaka Ryunoske.

"you won't be doing any of that, tanaka." Another male with black hair with and great thighs, smiled threateningly at tanaka. This guy is so daddy material. Literally step on me Sawamura Daichi.

"hai, daichi-san."

Then suddenly they heard a laugh so beautiful they could die. They turned towards their other companion. It was a male with straight shoulder length hair, with a beautiful lavender eyes. This guys is our one and only king, Fuji Kagaya. Lmao when u simp for ur oc. That's the shit im on.

"It's good that they are lively." Kagaya smiled, keeping his eyes forwards. Not botherting himself with all the staring he's getting.

"YOU'RE SO KIND FUJI-SAN, the world doesn't deserve you." tanaka was C R Y I N G. he's simping so hard, right now. Tanaka the greatest simp.

Kagaya just laughed, and the three males is just noice.

"You know, all of you are permitted to call me kagaya, we all have been friends for a long time now." This is the first time they had seen kagaya being so shy, and they felt their grades went up, they were fed well and healthy, their simp level going to the max, and they felt winning all their matches.

But kagaya felt that he was too forward and felt bad that they might be feeling forced.

"A-ah, you don't have to, all of you can call me anything you want. I am sorry if it's too forward." Kagaya was feeling embarrassed.

And it sent the three in a panic.

"N-No! IT'S Fine! You can call us by our first names too." Sugawara assured the male, being the only one to speak because the two are still very flustered. I mean, they get to call their might-be-crush or the king of their simp nation, by his first name. It felt like being promoted.

Hearing that kagaya felt relieved that they were okay with it and happy because this means they were closer to each other. Uwu bby.

and they were infront of the gym. Sugawara opened the door, and they saw two boys probably first years, one is a tall black haired boy, the other being a short haired boy with orange hair.

kagaya recognized them both as the boys from last year's tournament.

sugawara spoke first.

"Oh? Kitagawa daiichii's setter is really here."

"But that guy's totally concieted." Tanaka said obviously displeased by the setter.

"Again with that? Nobody cares that you're intimidated by him, so why not give it a rest?" Daichi replied to him, trying to stop him from picking a fight and provoking the first year. Tanaka just did his deliquent face, in hopes of serving its purpose.

daichi brought his attention to the tall first year. Totally ignoring the other first year. oof. poor bby.

"You're Kageyama right?" he asked.

kageyama replied "Osu."

"Thanks for coming to karasuno! It's good to have you here." he said to the male.

"ooh.. you're taller than last year.." Suga is amazed at the height of the first year, he was taller than him now compared to last year.

"First Impressions are the most Important! Suga-san." tanaka said to him.

Why didn't ya come at those 1st year kids with more of a "bam"!!!!???!!?!" He continued, dissatisfied at his seniors reaction.

while the three talked to the first year, kagaya has his attention towards the shorter boy. The boy had goven him a good impression last year, his determination and will made him smile. So he approached the little tangerine, tapped him in the shoulder.

hinata feeling a tap on his shoulder and turned towards the source. When his eyes landed on the person, he swore that it was like seeing one of God's blessing cause he felt his eyes were being blessed by the males looks. damn, was he about to sim for this guy? well yeah, this is what the fic is about.

'thank you kami-sama, for being born in the same era as this beautiful person.'

"hello, your name is Hinata, yes?" he was snapped from his thoughts by the persons voice. ' his voice is even attractive!? is he even real!?' he was now again mentally panicking if this guy is really real.

as he kept thinking, kagaya was getting worrieed that his kohai might be not okay. ourkingissokindwtf.

"hello? are you alright, hinata-kun?" hinata onced again snapped from his thoughts.

"S-s-shouyo!!" he shouted mindlessly. 'OH NO! IM BEING TOO BOLD! NBCBDSGHGHBVCS'

"what? you want me to call you shouyo? if its what you want, then okay."


"N-NO I-I- S-SORE" hinata was fumbling with his words as if hr cant speak anymore, his mind stopped working."

"it's alright shouyo-kun, you don't need to be nervous." he assured the male, thinking that he might be too shy, he patted his head and smiled assuringly.

but it seemed like that was the final move and hinata died. he collapsed in the floor, frozen and his face was super red. it sent kagaya in a panic.

"Shouyo-kun!? are you okay!? Shouyo!?"

rip hinata, you lived a good life.

𝙼𝙴𝙴𝚃 𝙽' 𝚂𝙸𝙼𝙿 - HAIKYUU!! X MALE OCWhere stories live. Discover now