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The sun was only just rising in the sky when San showed up at Wooyoung's window.

Not the front door, his bedroom window.

"Sannie? What're you doing here?" Wooyoung rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he opened the window. San gently slipped in, sitting on the windowsill and staring at Wooyoung.

"Couldn't wait to see you." He answered simply, maroon eyes scanning over Wooyoung's room. He eventually focussed on a photo beside Wooyoung's bed.

It was of Wooyoung's old friends.

There was Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho and himself, as well as the Bang family. All of them were orphans taken in by Chris, who was like their father now. Wooyoung also had a tiny crush on Changbin when he was a kid (yes I know Changbin was in the flashback for like a second, but I wanted him here too). But being around Changbin in any way that was 'romantic', like holding hands and such, just didn't feel right.

Not like when he's with San.

"You were a cute kid." San walked over to the frame, gently picking it up so he could look closer. "Who's this?" He pointed to a rather sad looking kid, further to the back. He clearly didn't want to be in the photo, face partially hidden by a book.

"That's Seonghwa. He didn't like people all that much when he'd first come to live with my family. But eventually Yunho and I broke down his barriers, and he became like our brother. Seonghwa might be one of my best friends, and I can't wait to see him again."

"And I can't wait to officially meet him." San put the frame back where it belonged, immediately hugging Wooyoung after. "You just need some casual clothes for today, and a jumper."

"A jumper? San it's not even cold." Wooyoung frowned, which San just kissed away.

"Trust me?" San pouted, immediately melting away Wooyoung's confusion.

"Fine. You can wait in here while I have my shower, ok?" Wooyoung gathered his clothes for the day. A simple light blue shirt and a pair of denim overalls was what he decided on.

"You sure? I could go in there with you?" San smirked, looking Wooyoung up and down. Yet all that earned him was a pillow to the face.

"Keep all that perviness to yourself, weirdo." Wooyoung giggled as he went to the bathroom.

He came back to see San sprawled over the bed, seemingly lost in thought. He was staring at a painting, an old one Wooyoung had received from his grandfather a few years. An oil painting of a castle, with a bright night sky and a large oak tree beside it.

"I painted that years ago." San stated, shifting his gaze to Wooyoung. "I always wanted you to have it anyway."

"It's probably my favourite painting." Wooyoung smiled warmly, holding out a hand. "Ready to go?"

"Definitely. I have a fun day planned." San gently grabbed Wooyoung's hand, leading him back to the window. The next thing Wooyoung knew he was on his front lawn, a puff of smoke still dissipating around them. They both got into San's car, the sun edging further into the sky.

When the car stopped they were somewhere all too familiar to Wooyoung.

"You still live here?" Wooyoung stared at the huge castle he used to call home. The lawns were more vast now, and it looked less intimidating than Wooyoung remembered.

"Yeah. And I wanted to take you to see everything again, ya know?" San held the car door open for Wooyoung. A wave of nostalgia flooded over Wooyoung as he walked inside. Nothing had really changed. The first place San led Wooyoung was the ballroom.

A smile tugged at Wooyoung's lips as he remembered the first time he'd met San.

Back then Wooyoung actually thought San, or his family, would kill and eat him in the middle of the night. Which was absolutely bull shit. His naivety was shocking even now. The polished floors echoed as Wooyoung spun to look at everything. He could almost hear the chatter, the orchestra music, the clinking glasses and the rhythm of dancing against the floors.

"Would you like to dance, Choi San?" Wooyoung held his hand out in front of him, not even slightly surprised when San immediately held it.

"There's no music." San pointed out, already placing his hand to Wooyoung's hip securely.

"Who cares." Wooyoung started moving carefully, only just remembering how ballroom dancing went. Yet San was patient with him, pausing when Wooyoung forgot something. "Nothing's changed here."

"Well my parents like to keep things constant, so the house is the same. We don't even have electricity yet." San said, pouting while Wooyoung chuckled.

"Are they here?" Wooyoung asked. They'd stopped dancing already, heading to a different section of the house.

"No, they're in the Caribbean right now for a vampire meeting. Minho's here somewhere, and maybe Taemin too." San rolled his eyes at the mention of the elder vampire. He then led Wooyoung to the secret door, where the servants used to be. Yet as soon as they entered those halls Wooyoung began to rush in the direction of his old rooms. He'd began to wonder, after regaining his memories, what he'd left there.

He easily spotted the glass frame.

"Oh my God it's still here!" Wooyoung gently removed it's back, his old map still in perfect condition. He couldn't believe it, even after so many years it still looked like he'd only just put it down.

"I never touched anything after... that. I knew you'd want it all where you left it." San leaned against the doorframe. He only watched as Wooyoung gathered his favourite belongings, finally finding his locket.

It held the picture of San, Yeosang, Mingi and Wooyoung.

It was old, black and white. They'd taken it just months before Wooyoung's death. It was funny, looking at how different they all were, yet still the same.

Mingi's hair used to be raven black, and long enough to tie up. Yet his eyes still help that same sparkle.

Yeosang used to dress properly, in fancy coats and vests and jewellery most could barely imagine back then. But his innocence shone bright as ever.

San was smiling, the kind that scrunched his nose and obscured his eyes.

And Wooyoung could see that San again.

Be there San was, looking at Wooyoung like the whole universe existed only to bring him into this world. Like Wooyoung was his everything.

He finally smiled, nose scrunch and all.

"Did you want to explore again?" San pointed to the map, sitting on Wooyoung's desk, with a grin.

It didn't take long for them to reach the room with the paintings.

Wooyoung took the seat by the windowsill, while San sat on a stool in the shade.

"What did you do? After I was gone?" Wooyoung was glad to see San smile rather than burst into tears. It wasn't a big smile, yet it was enough to make Wooyoung relax against the windowsill.

"Well I wasn't doing well for about 50 years, I'll admit. And when Mingi got arrested I felt even worse. But my family really helped me pull through it all. And Yeosang. I would not have made it without Yeosang. We realised that, even when you came back, people would stand between us because of our... vampiric status. So we founded this town together. Vampires and humans were designed to live in harmony. We eventually allowed the mayor to take over, and we set up the school and began to attend. Since then we come back every once in a while to refresh our knowledge of the world." San reached out and held Wooyoung's hand.

"Wait you founded this town!? Really!?" Wooyoung leant forward, a clear sense of pride filling his whole being. So San laughed, nodded, and told Wooyoung the story of how he and Yeosang had made their own little paradise.

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