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I don't care what people say when we're together

You know I wanna be the one who holds you when you sleep

I just want it to be you and I forever

I know you wanna leave so c'mon, baby, be with me so happily

I tried to hide my grin when I saw Harry instantly embarrassed again, and looked at him emphatically expectant.

Harry noticed my reaction and could not hide a brief grin either. "Just be quiet," he warned and then stretched out his back resolutely, "I had the idea for Ready To Run some time ago. The way we've been dealing with each other over the last six months has been so untypical for us: we haven't spoken at all, just written in public and pretended that everything was fine. And I did not like that at all. And I am practically to blame for the whole thing."

I wanted to protest immediately, because it was definitely not Harry's sole fault, but he cut me off: "Shh, let me finish. I am to blame for it. And do you know why? The answer is simple: because I just ran away. I knew that I would be so busy and that there would be no opportunity to talk to you about that night. So I took off like a fucking coward and left you alone." He looked at me all crushed. "I'd like to apologize one more time. It was not okay. That's not who I usually am and I hope you know that. Somehow the fuses blew when I suddenly found you completely naked in my arms. I hope you understand and forgive me."

I smiled and nodded: "You really don't have to justify yourself. I am just as much to blame. Or did I get in touch with you and ask for a clarifying conversation?"

He shook his head and I took his hand and crossed our fingers. "Exactly. And now if we discuss again who's to blame and who's not, I'll have a stroke."

Harry laughed raw, giving me goose bumps, as he often did.

To my discomfort, however, he noticed them this time and raised his right hand in fascination to drive up my arm as light as a feather and trace them.

My breath stopped and my heart stumbled.

"Anyway, I was so annoyed with myself that at some point I promised myself that I would sort it out the next time we saw each other in person," Harry continued quietly as he continued to stroke my arm and fingers, almost pondering a little as my goose bumps continued. "Also, as I said before, a song idea came to me. I want to apologise with this song, Lils. It's about you, about me and most of all about the fact that this time I'm ready to run ... I don't care what others think or will think about us - I want to show everyone how much you mean to me and never have to pretend that I don't need you again. We've been pretending to feel nothing for each other for far too long, Lils, and I'd like to change that. I dedicate this song to you, this was supposed to be the surprise. It'll probably be on the next album as well, but that's not what I want to talk about." He laughed embarrassed and now looked at me.

Sniffing, I ran my thumb under my eyes and laughed happily. His words had actually brought tears to my eyes and an incredible affection for Harry had built up inside me that surpassed anything I had ever felt before.

"Oh God, now you made me cry", I pushed out, desperately trying to hold back the tears, but Harry smiled at me so broadly and, above all, so happily that I lost the fight miserably. "What you just said ... - oh man - I don't know what to say. That was so incredibly beautiful. You really dedicated a song to us, I can't believe it," I sniffed again and ran my left palm over my eyes. Then I took a deep breath and forced myself not to burst into tears again.

Ready To RunDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora