One Thing

17 3 0

I've tried playing it cool

But when I'm looking at you

I can't ever be brave

'Cause you make my heart race

The doorbell rang far too early for my liking, because I was still standing in front of my wardrobe in my underwear.

"Damn, damn, damn, damn," I cursed quietly and searched feverishly for something suitable to wear.

My eyes caught the shorts overalls, which I had actually already labelled as unsuitable five minutes ago. I tilted my head and pinched my eyes slightly together while an idea for an outfit was forming in my head.

I quickly grabbed the trousers from my bed and combined them with a very wide cut T-shirt. Almost instantly the white fabric slipped over my shoulder and revealed the lace-covered straps of the burgundy bralette I was wearing underneath.

Satisfied, I checked my loosely twisted braid in the mirror once more and smiled happily at myself.

" ... to a fun evening, Lily!"

"Lily? Lily, are you coming? We're already in the kitchen", my mum's voice sounded from downstairs and I closed my room door behind me somewhat hectically.

"Coming, Mum!" I said.

I could hear my mum already talking to Anne, Harrys Mum, in the kitchen, rattling like dishes. Gemma, Harrys Sister, was also audible and Robin, Harrys Stepdad, and my father were just bursting into loud laughter.

I was happily bouncing down the stairs, looking forward to a cheesecake for dessert, when someone appeared in my field of vision and made me stop as if rooted to the spot.

"Harry?!", I lost it and he looked up from his mobile phone.

His eyes widened and he slowly put the phone in the pocket of his jeans. He seemed a bit unsure how to behave, which was understandable, because when was the last time we had really stood in front of each other? On Mary's birthday about half a year ago? That was far too long, I thought.

So I couldn't help myself and took a short time to look Harry over. His hair was, as it had been all year, styled a bit backwards, stood off wildly at the sides and curled partly around his ears. My gaze wandered further down, over his face with the wonderfully sensual lips, his necklace with the cross, which had been an earlier gift from me, and finally slowly to his clothes.

He was wearing black jeans and a plain white shirt.

Nothing really special, but - holy ... - I cursed inside when I saw how wide his shirt was unbuttoned. There was nothing fucking G-rated about that anymore!

After a few seconds of shock I forced myself to turn my gaze away from the tattoos on his chest and wandered back up with my eyes.

I took a deep breath when I met his knowing look. The corners of his mouth twitched - he had caught me staring. Damn it.

Warmth crept up my neck and I had to grin embarrassingly.

Harry also grinned openly at me now and winked at me. Inwardly my heart made a little jump, but outwardly I twisted my eyes.

"Hey, Lils." He spread his arms.

His warm voice finally released me from my rigidity and some of my tension fell away from me instantly. I stormed down the stairs to throw myself into his arms with verve. I automatically buried my face in his neck and took a deep breath. His aftershave, which I liked so much on him, rose to my nose and I smiled. He smelled simply wonderful!

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