The drift apart

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Dining table was the place where urmi and vikas exchanged the days proceedings with each other. The soup was sour and both had similar moods. Vikas had habit of showing complete silence whenever he was into deep thinking. Urmi wanted her to tell about the VC interview next day but looking at his blank look avoided conversation. Vikas wanted to share the spooky incident with her but kept off as he watched her engrossed in game of ludo on her mobile. He wandered about the past time when it was so difficult to keep her mouth shut on dining table . She used to non stop dole one story after other about the day and Vikas used to astonish at her grasping power of soaking each and every minute detail of surrounding while telling the subject matter.
Urmi VC interview was cake walk. Vikas also got response from adventure sports programme production house from  Nat Geo. Their offer included allowances plus opportunities to travel globally to adventure tourism hubs with celebrities. His role involved facilitation plus role performer  for setting benchmarks . Both got thrilled with prospects of new beginning  and got enthusiastic.  Both were  apprehensive too about losing each other company and uncertainties and dynamics  of long distance relationship. Urmi was supposed to have her medical done the next day which she shared with Lekha over cup of coffee. Vikas was supposed to attend boot camp at Lonavala which was near to pune for 3 weeks before going for first schedule in Africa.
Vikas told urmi he was thinking of joining the adventure programme and urmi told vikas about her VC interview and prospects at Noida. Their glass love house was about to break amidst separation winds. Urmi nearly came to tears but she hold back when vikas told her about the basketball boy to change the topic. He saw tears in her corner of big eyes and as true lover he always  dreaded her tears.
Urmi got startled at the Vikas description of  basketball boy but did not murmur anything. Whenever previously they had showdown fights they would go to Sinhgad fort or Kasarsai lake for mood change. She said to Vikas , Can we go to Ritu's place for night stay.She already had taken off next day because of the Medical tests and She was feeling loneliness with Vikas.Ritu was their common college friend and was staying close by.
Vikas said he will check with Raj ( ritu' s partner ) for the night out plan downstairs at his favourite corner pan shop while taking the evening mandatory sutta.  Ritu was packing essentials like nightgown, brush, moisturizer etc. When she suddenly saw the basketball boy herself . The boy disappeared with echoing voice of " Mumma   don't go" Mumma Don't go".
Urmi gathered all her courage  and strength and ran out of the flat with her handbag . She was terrified and even did not took the lift  but came straight down the stairs covering the three floors in no time. Her avatar was like PT usha jumping the hurdles   at breakneck speed.
She did not saw Vikas near their new Baleno. Vikas kept their prized possession spic n span and normally used to be waiting while polishing/ wiping his dark blue Baby .
She focused her vision to the corner Pan Shop where Vukas was on the phone. Urmi broke the unwritten rule and ran to Vikas, tightly hugged him and broke again the rule of No PDA.

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