Chapter: Two

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Ivy and ferns grew through the divisions of the old winding stone path, which led directly to the colossal structure. The mansion appeared proudly behind creaky iron gates, flanked by rows of cherry blossom trees crowned in baby pink, swaying gently to the cool summer wind.

The whole front lawn was filled with high profile people greeting each other and drinking!

"How is everything going on back in University, son? Did you finally manage to find yourself a girlfriend?" Taehyung's dad said laughing while patting his son's back gently. "No dad, not yet," he said while scratching the back of his neck. "although I do have my eyes on someone." Taehyung and his father shared a great bond. For Taehyung, talking about his problems and seeking advice was always from his father. He admired his father since he was a kid.

Both father and son just sat there laughing and being in each other's company. While his mother just sat there smiling at the two most important men in her life. The family spent some time giggling and recalling all of their memories together. Not soon after Taehyung's friends came. Taehyung greeted all of his friends. They spent quite a long time talking on random topics, like girls and all of their lives back at University. While the guys were talking, something or let's say someone caught Taehyung's eyes.

 He turned his gaze and was immediately met with a pair of mystical grey eyes. They belonged to a gorgeous woman, who Taehyung wasn't too unfamiliar with. "She!"

Taehyung slightly mumbled, completely distracted from what the boys were saying. She looked even prettier than she looked back at the convenience store, Taehyung got flattered by her beauty.

Even though it wasn't the first time he felt like this, no matter how many times he saw her. He just felt completely different in her presence. The tight black dress embracing her curves and the naturally wavy hair left down just added to her beauty. "Taehyung!!" His mom yelled breaking Taehyung from his thoughts. He reluctantly walked over to his mom, not being able to admire 'Her.'

He turned around to check where she was while his attention was diverted to his mom. She was nowhere to be found, she was right here two minutes ago and now she is not! Where did she go? "Taehyung sweetie hurry up!" sighing deeply, he walked over to his mom, only to be met by those same mystic eyes which made him go crazy. "Meet Mrs. Y/n"

Mrs. Kim introduced her son to you, you smiled gently at him, well for you it was gentle but for Taehyung, he was on cloud 9! "H-Hello" Taehyung greeted her back. You held your hand out and he accepts it happily. Not soon after Taehyung's dad accompanied by some of their family friends came and joined the conversation too. There were just talking about work and other boring stuff. Well, it wasn't  boring for Taehyung cause he was paying no attention to it, as his attention was grabbed by only one person in the room.

He admired your every single feature, the way you laugh, the way you spoke, the way you scrunch your nose when you disagreed with something, he was totally whipped for you. "You should start modelling again." Mrs. Park said nearly screaming her words bringing Taehyung back to earth.

"No-no, how can I start modelling again?" You replied "come on Y/n! you look amazing! No doubt you can start it back" "No, I can't, I did only a little bit of modelling and that was long back" you said completely flustered by the idea of starting modelling again. "I agree with you Mrs. Park! If not modelling you can at least try your hands in assessing people in modelling Y/n" Mr. Jeong said while sipping from his alcohol. "My wife is beautiful, isn't she?" Your husband, Jaewoon said as he came and back hugged you, leaving Taehyung baffled.

His mind couldn't process anything. He heard something shatter, it was his heart. But it was not only his heart that shattered.
"Looks like you are back to being your usual self, slut?" your 'perfect husband' whispered to you, taking away your breath. "Want everyone's attention? huh! wait till I show you my attention. You little slut!"


A/N: Well, I hope you like this chapter as well... thank you for all your support :) means a lot.... 

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