"Who is he?"

"Wait, isn't that Sarah next to him?"

"He must be Sarah brother. Wow, he's pretty cool."

A well-built frame and a stylish business suit - although my facial features were on the plain side, the synergy between those two points were powerful enough to attract the attention of the female students.

Too bad, the guy in question wasn't interested at all, though. Well I'm gay tho.


I simply let the girls' whisperings slip in one ear and slide right out the other. The one to get really psyched up was Sarah, actually.

She perked her ears up and listened to the assessment of her brother coming from the surroundings in a fit of happy giggles. She then sneaked closer to my side and lightly poked me on my waist with her elbow.

"Hiya~, my brother, you're proving to be really popular today, wouldn't you agree?"

I ignored this.

"Wait, now that I think about it, Kai, you still haven't found a girlfriend yet, right?"

He also ignored this one.

"Should I, your trusty little sister, introduce you to a cute high school girl?"

And with that, I began pinching her cheeks with an emotionless face.

"Stop being cute, okay?"

"I'm... I'm sowwy...."

I eventually released her cheeks. Sarah rubbed her reddened cheeks and pouted unhappily.

"Che. I know you also like the attention, though...."

Walking while lightly bickering amongst each other, they had arrived at the destination already. Sarah ran past me and spun around in front of the counselling office.

"Kai, we're here."

Just before entering the office, i looked at my sister. She wasn't budging from her spot.

"What about you?"

"Today's the teacher and parents only. I'm going back to my class as soon as you go inside."


Listening to Sarah, i remembered something similar happening back when i was still a high-school senior. Back then, no one came, though.

'It was around the time when it got harder and harder for mom to move around, right?'

My mother began to frequent the hospital right around then.

I feared that she might push herself too hard, so i didn't tell her about the teacher-parent meeting. And i got to suffer from my homeroom teacher's lectures for quite a while because of that.

When recalling those moments, i could understand the reason for Sarah being so anxious today. I smiled gently and asked her.

"You having the night class today as well?"

"Ng. You dont ...., don't wait for me and go home first."


I sneak attacked her and rubbed her hair all out of shape.

"Study hard, okay? I'll see you later."

"Ah! Stop it!"

"See you later at home."

I grinned and disappeared into the counselling office.

Sarah's cheeks puffed up as she smoothed her hair.

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