26 : interruptions

Start from the beginning

"Your family is in a great deal of danger." I state, a bit of concern growing in my tone.

"We'll be okay." Jules states, shrugging her shoulders.

Will they? Will they all just "be okay"?


We wake up the next morning, sleeping in a little longer than usual. After getting ready, and a quick breakfast, we head straight for the bureau to help Hotch will the case he just opened up.

I grip Jules' hands in comfort as we walk in the bullpen.

"Hotch, how can we help?" I ask, spotting him almost immediately.

Hotch nods, coming in our direction, "I placed a set of case files on your desk for you to review." He states in a firm tone as I nod, beginning to head for my desk.

Jules' brow furrows, "Wait." She pauses as curiousness rising in her tone, "What do you have for me to do?" She asks, glancing between both me and Hotch repeatedly.

I stop in my tracks, "I should get to work." I state, leaving the two of them alone.


j u l e s .

I look at Hotch sternly, "Dad- I-I mean- Hotch, what do you have for me to work on for this case?" I ask, my brow furrowing.

"Nothing." He states, shrugging his shoulders.

"Nothing!? How is that fair!?" I ask, a little too loud as to where the entire bullpen turns to face Hotch and I's conversation.

I glance across the room, seeing Derek shoot me a sympathetic glance from across the room. I know he wants to help, but he's torn between the two categories of girlfriend and work. I wish it wasn't this hard to be a profiler and manage a relationship.

"Agent Hotchner, that is enough." Hotch states in a firm, whispered tone before walking away.

I groan, "I just don't understand why I can't work alongside the team." I call out.

Hotch stops in his tracks, turning around to face me.

"Agent Hotchner, my office. Now." Hotch states firmly as I groan like a little child.

I walk up the steps like a grumpy two year old, throwing a small tantrum every step of the way. Hotch lets me into his office, shutting the door behind him.

I let out a defeated sigh, "Why can't I just work the case with the team?" I ask, turning to face Hotch - who is presently standing in the doorway.

Hotch sighs, "Because-" He pauses, "It is a bureau rule that agents can not work on cases that involve family members. It clouds their judgements in every way." He states.

He places extra emphasis on the "their" in his sentence so I know he's talking about me.

All my life, Hotch has always believed that I couldn't separate work from life and feelings. He's partially right, but partially wrong - and he knows it. I just need to prove him wrong. But how?


d e r e k .

"What's going on in there?" Reid asks, noticing me peering through the window from a distance.

"Hotch won't let Jules work on the case." I state in a firm tone.

"We have a case? What case?" Reid asks.

I turn to Reid as my brow furrows, "The case. The one Hotch interrupted my night for, the one he's yelling with Jules about?" I ask repeatedly, looking to see if anything rings a bell.

Reid presses his lips together, shaking his head, "I never knew we had a case." He states, shrugging his shoulders.

My brow releases tension, "Weird." I mumble under my breath, taking a seat at my desk again, opening the case file and getting back to work.

Why the hell didn't Hotch tell the team about this case? Why did he only tell Jules and I? Now, Jules can't even work the case - yet we're the only ones that know.


author's note:
hi my lovelies! i'm sorry for not updating as much as i used to - i have been crammed with school and live things - but i am back now :) anyways; foyet is finally here! so buckle up your seatbelts because this is going to be one hell of a ride! :) i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! also, holy shit! we hit 1.62k reads on this story! thank you all so so so much for 1.62k reads. i am so beyond thankful for each and every one of you. i am also grateful for all the love and support each of you have given me. i appreciate you all and i love you all deeply from the bottom of my heart! <3 stay tuned for a new update - coming very, very, very soon <3 mwah, i love you all. i hope you all have an amazing day. stay amazing my lovelies <3


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