yoongi talked a lot to jungkook about minji, they didn't notice that the mean people had been staring at them and silently judging.

"look at this slut! talking about his little mistake as if he loves her so much" one of the girls said, putting her hands on yoongi's shoulders and digging her nails into his shoulders making him wince "please stop, your words and you touching me make me very uncomfortable. i love my daughter, she's not a mistake, she was just unplanned but that doesn't mean i love her any less" yoongi said, the group of workers laughed "admit she's a mistake and admit you don't love her" the girl laughed, yoongi shook his head "i said that i love her, you can't change that" yoongi mumbled taking his notepad out and going to take orders.

once yoongi left, jungkook faced the girl "i have that on camera you bitches, you guys shouldn't be rude to anyone like that, you'll get fired when i tell them every thing else you've done to him. thrown hot coffee at him, thrown cold water at him and verbally insult him, fuck you" jungkook said, the workers look scared, almost begging jungkook to not tell them.


yoongi felt like crying. why did those people hate his daughter so much? and why did they hate him? what had he done to deserve this? so he was staring off into space trying not to cry.

"yoongi? are you okay?" jungkook asked, yoongi nodded and bit his lip, tears brimming in his eyes "everything will be fine, i told them manager about them and they'll be fired because their behavior is not acceptable" jungkook reassured, yoongi noddes and quickly wiped his tears, "t-thank you"


yoongi got to seokjin's house and flopped on his couch, a small wince leaving his lips as minji jumped on his leg "that hurt minji, don't do that" the boy said, minji nodded and hugged yoongi.

"how was work?" seokjin asked, yoongi hummed "well it was okay, i was talking to my new friend about minji and then some group of workers shamed me for having minji when i was 19 and then jungkook told the manager about everything they've done so they might get fired now" yoongi said with a smile, seokjin smiled "that's great, i hope they have a miserable life" the boy chuckled.

"wanna help me make some food?" seokjin asked, yoongi nodded, minji couldn't help but jump up too "can i help too?" minji asked, seokjin frowned and shook his head "you can help by.. making a drawing for appa or making the numbers 1 through 10" seokjin said, minji nodded and ran away to do as told.


"pull up your sleeves, you'll get them wet if you don't" seokjin said, yoongi shook his head and washed the vegetables told him to wash "they're already wet" seokjin sighed, letting out a small 'tch' "it's fine, you keep doing your thing" yoongi smiled, he prayed that seokjin wouldn't raise his sleeves.

"wasn't that the shirt you wore when you were pregnant with minji? are you pregnant again? " seokjin asked, yoongi shook his head. did seokjin say that because he was fat? or because of the shirt? 'don't over think it yoongi' he told himself "i was looking at an old ultrasound and felt nostalgic so i put this on" yoongi lied, seokjin smiled "that's cute"


"minji is so quiet" yoongi quietly said, letting out a small chuckle "once, minji was quiet while i was calling a friend and when i found her, she had taken all the clothes out of my cabinets" seokjin sighed, yoongi couldn't help bit laugh "she's a bit troublesome, let me check what she's doing"

yoongi stepped away from the kitchen and saw minji making a drawing on a piece of paper on the ground "hey minji, you're so quiet today, what's going on?" yoongi asked, he always made sure minji's feelings were validated no matter what "m making drawing for appa! i lost my purple crayon so i am sad" minji frowned, sniffling a bit "we can find it, if we can't, i'll buy you a new pack of crayons" yoongi said, minji giggled and hugged yoongi "tank you appa!"

"jinnie and i are making food, do you want some?" yoongi asked, grabbing a piece of paper and coloring next to minji for father and daughter bonding time "mhm! i want juice too please? appa i have question!" minji said, yoongi raised a brow "what is it?" he asked, "m was watching peppa pig the other day and why does she have an appa and another woman as parents?" she asked, yoongi stared at the girl and felt his heart drop, seokjin heard from a far "hey yoongi! come help me"

yoongi walked into the kitchen, an upset expression on his face "she's going to have to know sooner or later, maybe not now though. she's too young" seokjin said, rubbing yoongi's back "i don't know how i'll explain to her that her father didn't want to stay with me" yoongi humorlessly chuckled, a plain expression on his face right after "but it's not your fault, besides, you're doing a great job raising her! i think you would much rather have a healthy family with just you and minji than an unhealthy family with all three of you, donghyun wouldn't have treated you guys right if you had forced him to stay" seokjin said at in attempt to comfort yoongi.

"i guess, i just don't want minji to think im a bad father. i don't want her to be mad or upset at me" yoongi frowned, tears brimming in his eyes, he hated when he had to talk about this topic. he wished donghyun would have stayed.

"she won't" seokjin said, giving yoongi a hug that the boy appreciated "thank you seokjin hyung" yoongi said, the boy nodded "don't thank me"


minji is about to cause some problems if her ass doesn't stop wondering 🙄 like girl, stop watching peppa pig and get a college scholarship. anyways, please stay safe and healthy. qotd: most delicious thing you ate today? sorry for any mistakes!!

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