Thanks dad I love you and thank you for being there for me while I growed up I said.

I love you to and it was wonderful seeing you grow into a beautiful lady said dad.

We finally got to the stan and my dad handed me to Oliver.

Then my dad hugged Oliver and said.

You take good care of my daughter if you don't me and her brothers will hunt you down and kill you probably said dad.

Don't worry I'll take good care of her I love her with all my life said Oliver.

We stood in front of each other.

And we had had professor mcgonagall marrying us.

We are gathered here to celebrate one of my good students special day Y/n weasley and Oliver woods said professor mcgonagall.

Know Oliver do you take Y/n to be your awfully wedded wife asked professor mcgonagall.

I do said Oliver.

And do you Y/n take Oliver to be your awfully wedded husband asked professor mcgonagall.

I do I said.

Then the rings had appeared in front of professor mcgonagall.

Then the rings had appeared in front of professor mcgonagall

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Oliver took a ring to put on me.

and I took a ring to put on him.

He took my left hand and put the ring on my finger.

Then I took his left hand and put his ring on his finger.

I know pronounce you husband and wife said professor mcgonagall.

Oliver took a step up to me and lifted up my veil.

Then he dipped me and kissed me.

Everyone cheered.

Then Oliver stopped kissing me as I stood in my legs.

Then we walked to the tent.

We all sited down.

Then we all started to eat

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Then we all started to eat.

( after eating time for dancing)

Me and Oliver got on the dance floor.

Me and Oliver dance to this song.

I put my head on his chest while he put his head to my side of my head.

I closed my eyes and continued to dance with Oliver.

Y/n I love you with all my heart said Oliver.

I love you too Oliver I said.

I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side said Oliver.

I chuckled.

So do I I said.

Oliver then twirled me and the and dipped me because it was the end of the song.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

We then walked to sit down.

Then lots of the boys banged their hands on the table for Oliver to kiss me.

So me and Oliver go up.

Then Oliver grabbed me and kissed me.

We break from the kiss then sat down.

Then it was a daughter and father dance so I got up so did my dad.

I walked to the dance floor and my dad took my hand.

Me and my dad started to dance to the song called I loved her first.

I put my head on his chest.

My mom smiled.

My dad put his head on top of my head.

Durning this I start to cry so did my dad.

I love you dad I said.

I love you too sweetheart I always will said dad.

When I first saw you with him I new he was going to make you happy said dad.

And when you first saw you and your brothers it was the most wonderful day of my life to have you as my children said dad.

I cryed again.

After a little bit the song ended and I walked and took my set.

Then Oliver got up to dance with his mom.

After a little while his mom started to cry a little.

After the dance Oliver sat back down by me.

Then it was time for other songs to come on.

Everyone danced the night away then everyone left to go home then it was time for us to go in the house.

Me and Oliver walked upstairs to a room with one bed for us to share.

I took off my makeup while Oliver got into his pajama pants.

I then took off my wedding dress and put on my pajamas on.

I then walked and got into bed after I brushed my teeth and hair

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I then walked and got into bed after I brushed my teeth and hair.

Then Oliver got in then I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes while Oliver runned his finger through my hair.

Then we fell asleep together as husband and wife.


And thats it for this one I hope you enjoyed remember to follow me on tik tok its scarlett_rose_potter and a nice day night or afternoon bye love you all so much.

- scarlett

Oliver x reader (one shot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang