chapter 22

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I stared at Hermoine as she stood there, her back turned to me, not saying a word. "Hermoine please just look at me." I said quietly, not wanting to drive her away again. She turned around slowly, and looked at me with no expression on her face. "Look, I don't know what I did, or why you're mad at me, but-" I started to say, as Hermoine finally spoke and cut me off.

"You think I'm mad at you?" She yelled, and just looked at me. "I mean, you've been avoiding me every time I try to talk to you, so yeah, I think you're pretty mad at me." I said, getting a little angry. She really spent all week avoiding me and expected me not to question it? For me not to be angry?

Like a cliche in a movie, rain started to pour on our heads as we just stared at each other. "Thats-that's not what I meant to happen. I didn-" She started to say, but I didn't want to listen. "What did you MEAN to happen, Hermoine!? I mean, you left me alone for the past week, and after you told me all that shit about you liking me?! You can't just do that and leave!" I yelled at her. This entire week, the anger was building inside of me, and now I was finally letting it out. Hermoine looked upset, but I couldn't tell if it was at me or at herself.

"Can you please let me talk?" Hermoine yelled, and I nodded my head as a response. "Do you remember what I told you, about being confused about myself? Well this week, I've been trying to find a way to see why I feel this way. Why suddenly this year I started to feel differently about you. I looked for spells, I read half the books in the library, I mean, I even made a pros and cons list!" She stopped and ran her hand through her hair.

"But nothing told me anything. It didn't give me an answer. And I hate not knowing the answers to things, so I thought if I ignored it, and just kept going, maybe I'd find the answer along the way. Maybe I'd figure it out. And I think I finally did." She said, and stopped talking again. "Well what is it?" I asked her, and she looked nervous as she took a deep breath.

"This week has been awful. Just terrible, probably one of the worst I've had all this year. And it's because you weren't there, Ana. I had Ron and Harry but...they just, they weren't you." She said, and even through the rain, I could tell there were tears streaming down her face. I looked back at her, with tears streaming down my face too, hoping she couldn't see.

"And now I've realized that without you...I feel like something is missing. Something from inside of me." She said, as I started to walk up to her. "So I'm so sorry, for leaving you, and making you feel terrible. I didn't mean to I was just trying to-" But she didn't get to finish her sentence, as I cut her off by putting my mouth on hers, pulling her into a kiss. I put one hand on her waist, and the other was cupping her cheek. I could tell she was surprised, and honestly, I was too. I had never been a bold person, but with Hermoine, I feel like I could do anything. We didn't stay in the kiss for a long time, but it felt like forever.

As we pulled away from each other, we rested our foreheads on each other. I started laughing, and she soon did too, as we stood there together, in the rain, together. "So you're not mad at me anymore, then?" She asked, but I knew she knew the answer. "Mmmm, let me think." I said, making a show out of it. "Yeah, no I don't think so." I said, and we both laughed again as we left each others embraces. After we finished laughing, we just stood there and smiled at each other for a second. "So...what is this gonna be for us?" I asked her, hoping she'd know.

"I don't know. Honestly, I don't care. Just as long as we stay together." She said as she took my hand.

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