chapter 15

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(real quick before we start, i just wanted to say that im literally IN LOVE with oliver wood, so let's just pretend that the timeline makes sense for him to still be going to hogwarts lol okay bye)

As the Gryffindor team walked onto the field, Flint and I immediately stopped arguing, knowing that we had to intimidate the other team. I stood next to Draco, who I still hadn't talked to since the whole incident with Hermoine, and Flint on my other side. The rival team stood in front of us, and tried to look as intimidating as we were. Considering I had seen Fred, George, Ginny, and Ron with green hair last week (a little prank to get the twins back) they didn't seem very threatening to me. In face, Ginny smiled at me when she first saw me across the field. We were very good friends.

Oliver Wood stood in front of them all, staring us down silently, holding his broomstick. We just stood there in silence for about 30 seconds, which was honestly kind of awkward, neither of the captains knew when to speak, until Flint said "Wood." and smirked at him. "Flint. You know, I think we should skip the pleasantries today. Just get right down to it." Wood said with an almost unreadable tone. I had become quite close with Wood last year, after he FINALLY realized I wasn't a spy for the Slytherin team.

"Of course. You know were going to beat your asses tonight, right?" Flint said, in a calm, condescending tone. "Yeah, su-" Wood started to say, as Flint cut him off. "I think we're actually gonna go practice now, see you at the game." He said, smirking. Most of the Gryffindors looked around at each other, confused. We did this every year. So why were we stopping now? That's what they were probably thinking.

This time, we had a plan. Obviously, doing this shit before every game isn't helping us, because we keep losing, so we decided to try and throw them off by not doing it. I winked at the other team, as I grabbed my broom and started to walk away with the team. As we got halfway across the field, I whispered "I think that worked, didn't you?" and laughed. "They were clueless!" Draco laughed, along with most of the team. We stepped off of the field, into the corridors, where we were going to perfect our plan before the game.

It started at 10:30, because we wanted it to be dark outside, the twins said they wanted to let off fireworks, like at the Quidditch World Cup, but Mcgonagall said no. We were only having it this late because Dumbledore was coming. He rarely ever came to games, only the ones at the beginning and end of the season, and we always tried to make them special for him.

After we perfected our strategies and plays, it was nearly 10:15. Almost ready for the game. I hadn't seen the Gryffindor players anywhere, but I didn't really mind. That was just less of a distraction for us. The crowd was already cheering, you could hear that almost the whole school was there already, and that they were chanting for us to start early. "Should we?" I asked the team, specifically Flint. "I'd have to go ask Wood. And the ref. We are NOT getting penalties for going on too early." Flint said, as he walked away, and came back a few minutes later.

"It's showtime." He said and gave a devilish grin. We all walked up to our entrance gate to the field, and waited for it to open. "Nervous, Alcott?" Draco asked me. "Not even a little, Malfoy." I responded and smirked at him as our gate opened, and we flew out, circling the field. I loved hearing the houses cheer for us, seeing who dressed up, watching people getting so excited about us playing. I saw Dumbledore, and gave him a quick smile as I passed him, with him beaming back at me. I'm not sure why, but since last year, Dumbledores' been very kind to me, always guiding me and giving me advice.

I also saw Hermoine, standing with Neville, Seamus, and Dean, all cheering on the Gryffindor side, of course. But when I flew past Hermoine, she pulled a little green and white flag out of her coat pocket and waved it at me. When I saw it, I smiled and winked at her, and saw her start to laugh. We got into position in the field, and I looked at all my teammates, who were staring intensely at the other team.

The moment I heard the whistle blow, and the quaffle fly into the air, I went into action. I raced to grab the quaffle, caught it, and flew to the goal to try and score, tossing it back and forth with my teammates, ducking and weaving away from the bludgers being thrown by the twins. But, as I tried to throw it through the goal, Wood blocked it, knocking the ball to Ginny, who threw it to her teammates. I chased after them, intercepting the ball in midair, and turning around, only to see someone who I've seen one time in a dream before.

It was that boy, the one from the Chamber. The one who turned into Voldemort. As I held the ball, it felt like time froze, as he smiled at me coldly, and I stared at him in horror as I watched him pick up his bat and slam it into my head. I tipped from the impact, but held onto my broom just long enough to see that the boy had turned into Voldemort again. I fell off my broom, and could feel myself plummeting through the sky, until everything became black.

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