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The summer went by rather quickly. I spent as much time as I possibly could with my family since Harry announced he wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts. Hermione, Ron, and I agreed to stick by his side and that meant being away from my family until the entire war blew over, if it ever did. If I even lived, of course. Hermione and I wrote to each other throughout the summer and she and I made a decision that the day before we left to help Harry that we'd be wipe our parents memories away. It was the safest thing we could do, considering our situations. The day we were set to go to 4 Pivet Drive, I gave my parents the biggest hug possible without being suspicious. When they were distracted, I took out my wand and said 'Obliviate', erasing every last memory of me from their minds.

I arrived outside of the Dursley household where a crowd was already there. I walked behind everyone and two, tall ginger boys turned to me.

"Well hello, little Ravenclaw!" George smiled wide.

This made everyone turn around and Hermione and Ron rushed to me.

"Hello princess," Fred said and I flashed a smile back at everyone.

Mad-Eye Moody knocked on the door and Harry opened it. We all walked in, Fred and George interlocking their arms with mine. I missed these boys, and being with them allowed me to forget about the fact that my parents don't remember a thing about me. We stood in what used to be the living room of the empty house. Mad-Eye explained to Harry that we'd all be taking a PolyJuice Potion to trick the death eaters. Harry was opposed to the idea, but nobody was going to give him a choice.

We were to leave in groups. Tonks and Ron, Hermione and Kingsley, Hagrid and Harry, George and Lupin, Mr. Weasley and Fred, Bill and Fleur, and me and Mad-Eye. We took the potion and changed into the same outfits, ready to take off. We each flew off, I held tightly onto my broomstick as we were almost immediately attacked. I stuck close to Mad-Eye as everyone broke off into their own groups, casting spells back and forth.

"Stay behind me!" Mad-Eye shouted as we continued to frantically fly and duel the people attacking us. It began to grow cloudy around us and it began to get harder to see. I saw Bill and Fleur coming by us, they shouted to Disapparate and before I could, Mad-Eye was struck by Voldemort. I looked into the Dark Lord's eyes for a split second and felt my body grow cold. The Killing Curse ringed through my ears as Mad-Eye's body began to fall. I instantly remembered Snape saying those same words and Dumbledore's body falling. I tried to fly down to Mad-Eye, but the flashback filled my mind too much for me to properly focus. Another shout was heard and I looked up towards the Dark Lord once again. Fortunately, he missed, but he hit my broom instead. I gripped onto my wand tightly after being flung off my broom and apparated as quickly as I could manage. My body was racing to the ground quickly. Facing the hard floor that was getting rapidly closer with each second that passed, I managed to scream.

At the last second, I stated Arresto Momentum in my head and my body slowed down just before I hit the ground. I heard chattering getting louder and felt a pair of arms on my shoulders. They helped me get onto my feet and I looked around at the crowd of worried faces.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, his hands on my shoulders as he tried to get a good look at me. Everyone, including myself, were back to their normal appearances.


"We know," He whispered.

I walked with him slowly to the crowd of people waiting for me. "I saw him.. I saw, he's the one who did it. He was going to kill me too," I explained to anyone who was listening. "He missed me somehow, got my broom instead. It's why I was falling."

Time passed and we were all inside, I sat beside George whose ear had been severed. His head was on my lap and he laid the rest of his body on the couch. I played with his hair a bit as we all sat, talking about plans and the attack that happened today. We weren't sure who betrayed us, and frankly, Harry didn't suspect anyone either. It wasn't long before Harry walked off and Hermione and Ron were right after him. I didn't move for George's sake and looked down at him.

"Stop staring, you'll make me blush." He cracked a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Have you been up this whole time?"


"George Weasley!"

"Shh, I'm injured, remember?" He pouted, quivering his bottom lip and I was unable to stay serious. "Is it true you dated that Malfoy kid?" He asked.

"That Malfoy kid?" I giggled at the name, "Does everyone know?"

He shrugged and looked up at me. I continued to play with his hair, massaging his scalp softly.

"Yes.. I did date that Malfoy kid."

"How disappointing, I wanted to be your first boyfriend."

My eyes widened, "What?"

He chuckled, "I'm messing with you Little Ravenclaw. It's actually Fred who wanted to be."


He winked, "Okay, I'll stop. Although I do believe you had a huge crush on me once."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "You know I did."

"I know you did," He sat up and looked at me. "Very flattering."

Fred walked in and used his hand to motion us to move over. Once we did, he sat on the other side of me. "What's flattering?" He asked.

"Juni's crush on me," George answered.

"Ah, yes. I remember. She technically had a thing for both of us, didn't she George?"

I put my hands up, "Okay that's enough you two."

They smirked and high fived each other. George kept his gaze on me and put his hand on mine. "It's a good thing we're family, huh?" He asked. Fred put his hand on mine as well. "The extra little sister we never had," He added.

I looked at both of them then at our hands, "My favorite twins."

"How are you holding up with the whole Malfoy situation?" Fred asked.

"I'm holding up I guess. I try not to think about it. It's confusing, really. I don't know if I should be angry with him or feel bad for him. Harry said he doesn't think he would've killed Dumbledore, that he was putting his wand down. I really couldn't see too well. He was crying though, and supposedly he was only doing it because if he didn't, he would've been killed."

"So he's not really a bad guy."

"But at the Christmas party, he told Snape it was his job. He accused Snape of wanting to steal his moment. So doesn't that mean he wanted to do it? He wanted to kill him.."

George frowned, "You knew him well. Do you think he'd ever want to kill someone?"

"I don't know who I knew.." I sighed and closed my eyes, breathing.

"Hey.. We got you princess." He said and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

Fred gave my hand a squeeze as we sat in silence for a bit. The days were going by quickly and a wedding was coming up. Mrs. Weasley would try to occupy us with wedding plans in hopes we wouldn't make any plans to leave. However, we all spoke and we were preparing to search for the other horcruxes. Harry kept asking us if we were sure we wanted to go with him, but we would never let him do something like this on his own. Harry had a vision of Ollivander being interrogated by Voldemort and Hermione was getting antsy about his psychological connection with him. Times were getting more and more stressful and the thought of a wedding seemed rather ridiculous during this time.

Fleur's family arrived the night before the wedding and they were such sweet, jolly people. Hermione and I helped as much as we could with the last second decorations before heading off to our room to sleep. Hermione fell fast asleep as my mind wandered to Draco. I kept trying to decide whether I thought he was good or not. I wasn't sure if I wanted to care or if I wanted to convince myself that he deserved everything he's gotten. I wasn't sure if I hated him or not. I wanted to hurt him yet hug him all at the same time. I made plans in my mind of the different ways I could go see him successfully without putting myself and the others in harm. But did I want to see him at all? I groaned into my pillow, wanting to clear my mind and go to sleep. It took what felt like hours to finally fall asleep. I dreamt that night of him, and in my mind, I knew I had to see him. At least one last time before this war officially began.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading! Comment, vote, and share if you'd like. Feedback is always appreciated. Thank you! :))

The Boy WhoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora