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I woke up the next day, happier than ever. It wasn't until a few minutes later that I realized I couldn't tell everyone yet and my mood was brought back down. I knew I had to talk to Draco and let him know that our relationship should probably stay a secret until I was ready to tell Hermione, Harry, and Ron. As much as I knew it would upset him, I can't just blurt out our relationship to the world. They despised him and I needed to be able to talk to them privately and explain to them my feelings. It's as unexpected for me as It will be for them. Just last year I hated Malfoy's guts. I hated the thought of him. I hated being in the same room as him. The last thing I would've expected was to have romantic feelings towards him.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find him around. It was weird that he disappeared, and the worst part was I really wanted to see him. I had to act like I was fine with everyone else. The day seemed to go by so slow and I wanted nothing more than to go to my room. We were walking in the halls when Ron spotted Ginny and Dean snogging in an empty corridor. He was furious and started yelling and I used that chance to slip away. I dragged my feet on the floor, hoping that if I walked slow, I'd somehow bump into Draco. I didn't though. 

The next day while sitting with Hermione, I kept look out for a platinum haired boy. Ron was in a terrible mood and Hermione seemed upset about it too. I took her hand and tried to distract her, and myself while I was at it. As much as I tried, she caught on to the fact that my mind was elsewhere.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I snapped my attention back to her, "Sorry."

"What's got your mind bothered?"


"Don't lie. Even yesterday you were a bit off. Almost like you're looking for something."

"How is it that you always manage to do that?" I asked, sighing.

She giggled, "I know you, Juniper. You're my best friend in the entire world.. so what are you hiding?"

I bit my lip, "You're going to be angry."

She cocked her head to the side, "Oh no.. You did something illegal, didn't you?"

"What? No," I shook my head.

"Cheated on an exam?"


"Then I'm not sure why I'd be angry."

"It has to do with someone.."

She stayed silent and her eyes showed she knew who I was talking about. She took a deep breath, "Malfoy?"

I nodded, "We're dating now."

He eyes nearly popped out of her head, "You're dating Malfoy?" She shouted.

"Hermione!" I said and looked around, hoping nobody heard. "Voice down, please."

"Malfoy? The one who would always call us mudblood? The one who hurt Harry? The guy who makes our lives miserable every day for his own pleasure? He's evil! His dad's a deatheater for goodness sake, Juniper! Have you gone mad?"

I let go of her hand, facing my body forward. "He's not his father. He doesn't call us mudblood anymore. Yes, he hurt Harry and I spoke to him about that. He hasn't done anything to us as of recently, and he most certainly is not evil."

"He's probably a deatheater too, you're in danger with him."

"He's not! I know Draco more than anyone else in this school! I know his heart and he's good. His father's actions shouldn't give him a label."

She scoffed, "Are you serious? You're actually with him? Ron was right. How could you do this to us?"

"What am I doing? I can't like a guy? You were fine with us being friends."

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