“I’m scared, Darce,” how I had been able to sense that I didn’t know. What I did know, however, was that we were vulnerable standing out here alone. We were like sitting ducks, waiting for an attack. Like bait. My eyes widened at the thought. Bait.

“I’m sorry Darcy,” before I could even comprehend what was going on she pushed me forward, then slammed the heavy door in front of closed, her eyes filled with sorrow. I’d been right.

“Darcidian Davis. You must tell me, how did you escape the song of the siren? How did it not turn your inhibitions to dust? How are you, the rejected hunter, still standing in front me?” His voice echoed around the shop, bouncing off the concrete walls, seemingly coming from every direction. Vega stepped out of the shadows, a grin plastered on his face. Sydnie was nowhere to be found.

“Where’s Sydnie?”

“Shouldn’t you be asking where your girl is?” Confusion set in before the realization dawned on me. Nakota…

“Because seriously Darcy, this was too easy,” I could hear her screams before I saw her. The door behind me whipped open. Sydnie forced Nakota into the room, a gag fisted in Nakota’s mouth. Blood dripped from her eyes and onto the white cloth gag that had been placed forcibly into her mouth.

“What have you done to her?” I didn’t even try to attempt to mask the emotion in my voice. Anger swirled around me as gypsy curse possibilities soared in my mind. I knew this would happen. I knew it.

“Let me go. Don’t you know who I am? I’m an Alpha!” Dion struggled against two werewolves holds. For a second I thought he was going to break free until a third massive guy stepped out of the shadows and wrapped Dion’s head into a headlock.

“And we’re Rogues. Titles mean nothing when with one twist your life would seize to exist. We’d even rip out your heart for good measure. What’d you say, Crestfall?” A devious smile graced the largest man’s features. He looked between both of the other men that were holding Dion first before sluggishly turning his face to Vega.

“Uh, I mean it’s you’re call, sir,”

“Darcy. How about a choice? How do you feel about playing a little game of chance? If you can defeat the three men that are holding your dear friend captive, I’ll let every one of your friends leave. Except one, of course. I have to let these idiot blokes kill somebody. Wouldn’t want them to turn on me, now would I?” I nodded. No trusting my words at this point. I was a trained hunter. I could do this.

“It really was silly of you to only bring one other person as back up. And then to top it off, being a sexist pig and telling your girl to go wait in the car. Tsk tsk. It’s why I hate you hunter people. Always thinking about yourselves before others. ‘Oh she could get hurt’ or ‘I don’t want to have to worry about her as I’m fighting.’ Both are incredibly stupid reasons if you ask me.” What the hell was he talking about? What about Maniae and Geraldo? I guess maybe they went unnoticed by the gypsies and their associates. My eyes drifted back to Nakota who was still struggling against Sydnie’s hold. I could pick out the pain reflected in her eyes as they gazed back at me. I needed to end this. Now.

“If it’s a war you want it’s a war you’ll get,”

“A war requires more than three people,”

“You’re right then. This will be a downright massacre,” I let the detachment ring clear in my voice, a clear indication that I was ready to fight. Pushing all emotion out of arm’s reach, I prepared myself for battle. Some of the three guys were bigger than me. Some of them looked stronger. I couldn’t rely on my size alone to help me win this battle.

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