The Mysterious Blue Wave

Start from the beginning

"Alright, Alright. He's not bad. He's able to keep up with me. Though, that's alright. Just you wait, I'll lose you faster than my last girlfriend!" I drifted the next bend, exiting faster than the first two turns. The next corner was a straighter turn, so I used Takeshi's gripping technique to force myself faster through it. It was harder since my car was a RWD and Takeshi's was an AWD, but I was able to manage under his guidance. "My A80 is the perfect car!"

Takeshi dislikes drifting and thinks it's just some flashy move to put on a show for the spectators. He is more invested on the pro-like gripping of the tires, which he and his Three-Two were great at.

"This is good! This is good!! This is what I wanted! A fun battle! Let's GO!!" I blasted forward again on the next straightaway, sending my car faster up the mountain. I took the next corner hard and it shot me out like a cannon, causing me to use the momentum to take the next corner even faster. I barreled down the next straightaway. I thought of the perfect line to follow throughout the rest of the course. "Why am I even worried about this? I mean come on dude, this should be nothing. I'm in a Supra for God's sake."

The only two sounds that night were the roars of our engines from our cars going head to head, minus the chirps of the crickets and the tweets of the birds. We kept going around bends and drifting around corners. I knew I had to be far from him there was no possible way he could be behind me after what I pulled.

"HAHA!! Come on! I know this course inside and out. Let's see you try and keep up wi-!" I looked in my rear view to see the blue car right on my rear bumper. He didn't catch up to me or anything, It... It never left... It was as if it was glued to my bumper. "What?! How the hell?! How the hell are you still there?! How is it even able to keep up with me?!"

I started sweating. He was pressuring me, hard, and I was terrified. I didn't even know what the car was and here it is, just behind my bumper. I drifted the next corner and my tires began to slide a bit uncontrollably due to wearing of the tread. "Shit shit shit shit!!"

My car started to drift off the inner line to the outside. The blue car pushed forward to try and overtake me, but I fixed it and quickly got it back in control before the guy behind me could pass. The other car braked a bit to stay behind me but kept its speed in sync with mine.

"Damnit, my tires are losing their grip!!" I yelled furiously. "Don't make a fool of me! I'm in a Supra!"

I was beyond frustrated. It felt like this guy was holding a gun against my head, just that monstrous feeling behind me. I went around the next turn a bit slower, but more controlled before blasting down the next straightaway. I pulled the next corner the same way, going faster after exiting. That's all I had at the second. I could only go slower and then speed up really fast on the straightaways to gain some distance, but at the corner's he'd speed up on me and get behind my bumper again.

"It's okay, It's okay. There's only a couple left before hitting the finish line. If I can keep him back there, I can pull a win. As long as I can make it to the long straightaways, This race is mine!" The next hairpins were going to be the last bit before the long straightaways. I cornered hard on the first one. "Come on!!!! You can do it!!"

I yelled at my car, begging it to hold on. On the second corner, I turned hard again, my car holding on barely. I didn't know when my tires would give out, but it was going to happen soon. We were on a short straightaway and the blue car decided to try to pull up right beside me on the outside.

"From the outside?! Are you serious?!" On the third and final hairpin, I turned with as much speed as I could muster, only for my wheels to slip again, but worse.


"Shit!!! Damnit!!!" My tires screeched once more as my car slipped to the outside line and the blue car immediately switched from the outside to the inside line and started to push forward next to me on the inside. I slammed on the gas to try and push myself through the corner without crashing into the guardrail. I looked to my left to see the blue car overtake mine. After he passed me, My eyes widened to the sight of the back of the other guy's car. My eyes were glued to one thing, and one thing only, and it wasn't the large blue spoiler. I stared at the three silver/grey letters... W...R...X.

The Blue Wave of GunmaWhere stories live. Discover now