Brooklyn: Nope. She didn't feel like talking.

Dad: Is she still alive?

Brooklyn: Barely.

Mom: We don't need her anymore.

Brooklyn: You want me to kill her?

Mom: Whatever you feel is best.

Brooklyn: Alright.

Slowly, people file in; AJ, Ruby, Louis, Allison, Day... We're having an important meeting.

Dad: Thanks for showing up, guys. Especially on such short notice.

Louis: We assumed it was serious with everything that happened last night.

Mom: It is.

Louis: Spill the beans.

Mom: We got them last night. They broke in here, and Y/N chased them out.

Dad points to his cheek.

Dad: You should see the other guy... Or girl.

Mom: She was here to kill us two.

Day: She killed someone, but it wasn't you.

Day, the leader of the scavengers. They go around, find useful things, and bring them back. They hunt some too.

Dad: We think she did that because she was spotted and nothing deeper. Definitely wanted us two dead.

Mom: We know where she's from and why.

Allison: You're about to drop some bad news.

Allison is the leader of the farms. She has the least amount of people under her out of everyone else, but she's just as vital. Without her, food would be a lot harder to come by.

Mom: Four is planning an attack. Their idea was to take us out and then come in for the kill.

Brooklyn: At least it isn't a surprise anymore.

Mom: That brings us to the next issue. They're rallying other communities in the alliance.

Aj: Which ones?

Mom: We don't really know. But some within our alliance refuse to join them.

Brooklyn: Have them fight with us.

Mom: That is the plan.

Allison: So what are we doing about it?

Dad: You, Allison, are going to go about your regular duties. Make sure that if the need arises, we have plenty of food.

Allison: Got ya covered.

She winks. I think she's always had a thing for Dad, but he doesn't notice.

Dad: Aj, just keep doing what you do. Defend the community.

Aj: I'll have people go on patrol more often and keep everyone a little more vigilant.

Dad: Good. Louis.

Louis perks up. He's in charge of keeping the community happy. He organizes feasts, or festivities, or events. Really whatever he's feeling.

Dad: Keep the people's spirits up. They're going to need it.

Louis: Got it.

He shoots a finger gun at Dad. Again, Dad ignores.

Dad: Day, be on the lookout for anything suspicious while you're out doing your thing. If you spot anything, get it back here.

Day: Gotcha.

TWD: Last (Clementine X Male Reader Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now