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You pull to a different building in the town, one with a garage. You'll figure out a way to get it inside to keep it hidden from prying eyes. The track for the door is probably damaged, so you'll have to figure it out or just take it off entirely.

You slam your fist against the wheel and lower your head down onto it. You escaped, but you lost. You lost every single one of the people you went there to help. Some leader you are. You couldn't keep them safe, so how are you going to keep Marina and Clementine alive? How are you going to get your community back together? They've already taken out most of your leadership: Allison, Day, Louis, Ruby, and Brooklyn. There are three of you left now, and you don't even know if Aj is alright.

You lift your head up, take a deep breath to try to compose yourself, and get out of the car. Your right arm is on fire where a bullet grazed it a few hours ago. Your whole right sleeve is stained with blood, and you're sure that your entire arm is as well. It snakes around your hand and down your fingers to where it was dripping off the tips. It probably looks worse than it is.

You don't see anything off with the town; nothing seems to have happened. This means you were probably right when you thought they'd be safe here while you went to the amusement park. Unless someone was meticulous and quiet... You can't work yourself up. They're fine.

You reach the door and press your ear against it to see if you can hear anything. Nothing happens inside. You push the door open, and a knife comes flying at your face. You catch their wrist just before the knife sinks into your face.

You: Easy. It's me.

Marina drops the knife, and you let go of her wrist. She lunges at you and wraps you in a hug.

Marina: Thank God you're ok.

You: I wasn't gone that long.

Clem: Where are they?

Clementine is standing next to the bedroom, her arms crossed. She knows what the answer is. She just wants to hear it. Marina pulls a bit away so that she can look up at you.

You: They're uh... Dead.

Marina: No.

You: Allison was dead before I got there. I found Daniela. She got shot not long after. Louis wanted to go see her body after I found him and Ruby. He got hit on the way over to her. Ruby and I got snuck upon, and they shot her.

Clem: Come sit down. Let me look at your arm.

Marina: His-

She sucks in a breath.

Marina: What happened?!

She hadn't noticed.

You: It was just a graze. It looks worse than it is.

Clem: Sit in front of the fire. I'll go and get the things we need.

You walk past Marina, she follows.

Marina: Did you kill them all?

You: I killed a few.

Marina: Good.

You: I couldn't take them all out. I needed to get out of there before more people showed up. And I really didn't want to leave you guys here by yourselves for very long.

Marina: Ah, we're tough. We could've handled ourselves.

You sit on the floor in front of the fire. There was a blanket lying there already.

Marina: Did they die peacefully?

She sits down.

You: They were struggling to make it for hours. I don't think you'd call that peaceful.

TWD: Last (Clementine X Male Reader Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now