ToD Part 3

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Author has come back from nowhere~

Author appear mean a new chapter is updated~

Yes! I feel a bit lively

Thankfully, I hope everyone is healthy

Author is not owning fanarts

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya



In unknown Universe

Author: Huwwwwwaaaaah! Finally I have time to continue this!

Principality: it has been a month....... TwT....

Author: .... hicks... the horror of assignment and exam.......

Principality: Please just continue the ToD

Author: Right! .... let's see...... *thinking*

Principality: OwO? *waiting*

Author: ....*an hour has passed* ..... damn it!!!! I don't have any idea!

Principality OwO! Wwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuutttttttt????????!!!!!!!

Author: just kidding ..... eheq~ shall we?


In one of the biggest offices in IGDF, someone is currently signing a big pile of paperwork.

Zoffy: ....... I'm so gonna burn this building down to the ground.....

Zoffy is having a not so good morning. When he arrived at his office, he almost drops the precious black bean water to the floor.

Zoffy: .... who in the freaking hell brought this madness to my office...

And so in the radius of 100 meters every Ultra gets far away from Zoffy Office. In his angry state, Zoffy signing rate is fantastic, but his aura suffocates those who accidently pass through his office. Some Ultra immediately brought the victims to Medical wings.

Dyna : Who in his stupid mind give Zoffy-san that much paperwork?! *looking from far away*

Taro : Definitely not me*beside Dyna*

Ultraman: I can guess, it must be Seven son *guessing*

A few hours passed and the paperworks start thining up. He can see the end of the paperwork. A particular letter waiting to be opened

Zoffy: Why am I having a weird feeling after seeing this letter *opening the letter*

Good day or maybe not, Zoffy~. This is Author..... you must be wondering why am I giving you this letter... well, actually you got dare from @KaptenKaixa, a dare for Zoffy to pat Reiki head and said I love you to her~ by the way she is KaptenKaixa oc which is your daughter in another universe..... so~ do your best! No! Don't you dare burn this letter!

Zoffy really wanted to burn the letter.

Zoffy: How in the freaking Plasma Tower can I find her?! *shouting*

To his surprise a portal appeared.

Zoffy: .... thank you for always knowing all, Author *sarcasm full mode*


A beautiful scenery greets him. Flower, tree, and grass scatters. He saw a young Ultra girl standing alone at there.

Ultraman DrabbleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz