Triangle Arch (3)

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Sugeng Rawuh~ (Welcome~)


Yooooooooooooooooooooo Readers!

Author just come out from seclusion

And presenting you~

A new chapter of the Arch~


Are you excited?

Well then... read it~

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya

Fanart belong to their rightful owner



IGDF building is full of Ultra preparing the raid. Yes, raid to the dungeon! Ahem, Author means to the crack in dimension.

Hikari: Mebius... can I have a moment with you?

Mebius: Huh?

In one of the room meeting in IGDF two Ultra is staring each other. One of them is so nervous while the other one is confused.

Hikari: ...will he accept my feeling?

Hikari felt hot and at the same time cold. You know, the feeling when you about to confess someone that you really like? Yeah, that is what Hikari felt right now. Hikari would never agree that he is falling high over heels for Mebius. At first he never really understands what is love. His only focus is on the experiment. He only realizes what it is when his eyes land on that cute looking figure. Hikari is falling in love with Mebius and yet he doesn't have the courage to express his feeling to him. Why? Because Mebius is still ignorant to what is love.

Mebius: Uhhhhh, are you okay Hikari?

Mebius is getting more confused at Hikari. Not, every day he can see this side of his friend. If it's not for the fact that the situation is a bit urgent, Mebius will joke around about it. He is pressed with time. He needs to attend a meeting with his team.

Hikari: I'm okay

Hikari know that today is not a good day to confess, but waiting become more like torture to him. He has to said this to Mebius. He wants his feeling to be recognized by Mebius. He can't harbor this feeling alone.

Hikari: Mebius.......

Mebius: Yes, Hikari???

Mebius is worried. He never sees this side of Hikari before, beside the fever one.

Mebius: for Hikari being like this... there must be something important!

Hikari: I.... I....

Mebius is getting more curious.

Hikari: damn it! Just spit it already!

Hikari: Mebius, I love you...

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