ToD part 7

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Heyyyyyoooooooooo, Readers!

It has been a long time since Author come here

Author bring a new chapter just for you!

Ultraman is owned by Tsuburaya

Author does not own the fanarts



Author:.... dear lord.... how long has it been since I returned here?

Principality: .... long enough that I thought Author-nee-sama forgot Principality (T^T)

Author: Ehhhhhh sorryyyyyy

Azure: *give a disapproving stare*

Author: Okay, okay, could you start giving me the paper, Azure?

Azure reluctantly gives it to Author

Author: Wait, who is this? *Author enters something into a search engine* Oh, oh, oh...

Principality: ŐwŌ What do you see??

Author: Soon you will know


Shou: Hmm, somehow I feel some sort of foreboding feeling in the air

Hikaru: Really, you could do that?! Teach me!

Sometimes Shou thinks that the host of Ginga is too childish for his own good, or is it just his nature to be curious? Wait... the same goes for the ultra

Shou: Truly a pair born in the heaven.

Hikaru; Oyyyy Shou, come onnnnn, tell me how to sense something from the future, like you said!

Shou: You should ask that to Ginga, he is the Ultraman who comes from the future, right?

Hikaru: True, but..... I'm not comfortable asking that kind of question to Ginga

Shou: Why?

Hikaru; I don't know. Perhaps it is Ginga Wills. He doesn't talk the likes of that

Shou raised his eyebrow. Now that's an interesting topic. He does try to have a conversation with Victory... truth be told, Victory just stares at him, and that is uncomfortable. The Ultra is too silent.

While they are bothered by their own thoughts about their Ultra, magically a letter appears in front of them.

Hikaru: Woah?!

Shou: What the f—

The letter slapped Shou's face hard before finishing his sentence.

Hikaru: Woah? *interested in the letter that dared to slap Shou. Even he doesn't have the courage to do that!*

The letter floated lazily in front of them, waiting for the host of Victory to relent on his pain.

Hikaru: That's something....

Shou: You said that again, and I will let you get slapped like that by this thing!

Hikaru wisely shut his mouth.

The letter is surely an animated object, as it decides to open itself and further make the two humans shocked.

Hello, fellow human~ this is Author-Nee speaki—er no writing.... that you got a dare from  Mr_Tsundere173, I dare Hikaru (Ginga host) and Shou (Victory host) to act like a couple until the end of ToD. Sorry. I just really ship them. :) yep. That's all.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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