Sugar, Spice and everything, uhh, slime?

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Her steps were peppy, her smile wide and joyful, her hair slightly disheveled, and her soul full as she entered her apartment building.

It had been the perfect Sunday; she'd gotten up early to have breakfast with her sister and Ashley before they went to church together for what she considered to be an excellent Sunday service. She hadn't had a chance to catch up with the both of them for a while, so she'd enjoyed every minute of it.

After church, she'd met up with Hyeri and they'd gone for a bike ride through the park, stopping at a cute little café for some coffee and desserts, before continuing on with their bike adventures, the warm spring breeze running through her hair that was partially tied up in her usual style. They'd ridden around for hours; talking, laughing, singing, stopping to smell the freshly bloomed flowers and enjoying the spring sun and each other's company.

Park Chaeyoung had just had the most perfect Sunday, and any moment now she'd open her apartment door to see her perfect girlfriend, and really, what more could a girl want? Maybe she'd suggest to Jennie that they'd order some take-out and cuddle up with a good movie, just to put the cherry on the top of her already perfect cake.

Typing in her code on the keypad, her smile quickly turned into a frown as she was greeted with a solemn looking Jisoo and Lisa, holding their stupid Intervention banner between them.

Ugh, not again.

Racking her brain, she tried to think of what she could've done now to warrant the meeting she was about to have.



Feeling left out, Lisa bounced slightly on the balls of her feet as she piped in with a half-serious tone, a few octaves darker than her usually voice, "Chaeyoung."


She began wondering if Jennie was aware of this, cause she sure as heck would've liked a heads up. She'd probably suggest they go out for dinner and a movie and sneak back in after dark if she'd known what was waiting for her. The shorter brunette had been texting her throughout the day, sending photos of her and Kuma having a spa day, her at her daily Pilates session, and at home with her slime. All in all, a pretty normal day for miss Kim Jennie. Maybe Jennie wasn't home?

Ignoring the dynamic duo in front of her, she stepped out of her shoes and pulled out her phone from her back pocket. Finding nothing from Jennie about staying at her mom's for the night, she frowned down at the device as if it was to blame for all of this.

"Is Jennie home?"

"She's taking a nap. She had a full day today."

Grumbling to herself, she let out a soft mumble before moving past the duo and stepping into the kitchen, "of course she has". She'd been hoping that Jennie would at least be home and awake so she could run like a quarterback trying to get a touchdown from the kitchen to her bedroom where she'd be safe from the two monsters lurking in their living room. She was imagining that they'd be like sharks circling their bait, and Jennie was their kryptonite. As long as she was with her, she'd be safe and sound.

But alas, no such luck.

She knew she could sneak in there and join Jennie in bed, the smaller girl would mostly likely just give her a sloppy kiss, cuddle into her, and fall back asleep. But they also hadn't gotten to see each other much during the past week with Jennie spending some time at her mother's, both of them having conflicting schedules, and Lisa demanding her and Rosie spend time together in order to catch up, telling Jennie that she couldn't 'hog everyone's favorite Australian'. All of this meant that despite Jennie's drowsiness, she'd probably force herself to stay awake so she could spend time with everyone's favorite Australian, and then said Australian would feel bad for disturbing Jennie's beauty sleep and honestly that wasn't worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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