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"They all sound like you, Rosie."

"No, they don't, we have different accents too, you know."

"I don't think so, I think they all sound like you."

"I agree."

"Me three. But their voices aren't as nice as yours."

"Just because were in Australia, doesn't mean we all sound the same."

"That's what they all say."

"I don't tell you guys that everyone in Thailand or Korea sound like you."

"It's a compliment, Rosie posie, you know how much I love hearing you speak English." She leaned over and kissed her girlfriend's cheek as the van continued heading towards their next destination.

"I'm so excited, but I'm really disappointed that we haven't seen any koalas, kangaroos, or kiwi birds yet."

"We haven't left the highway, Lisa, and besides, kiwi birds live in New Zealand, not Australia."

"Wait, is that why New Zealanders are called Kiwis?" Jisoo just rolled her eyes, Lisa was both the smartest and stupidest person she knew. "Wow, that explains a lot. Hey, Rosie, can we call you Kiwi then? You're a Kiwi, right?"

The singer shrugged, "I mean, yeah, I guess I am. I'm still a citizen of New Zealand, I just haven't lived there for a long time."

"I bet Jennie's gonna call you Kiwi in bed, ya know, since they're nocturnal and all."

"That makes no sense, Chu."

"Sure it does," she smirked at the two girls, "remember that kiwi teddy someone gave you? That played a sound? They're loud at night, just like Rosie is."

The singer blushed as the rapper glared at her best friend. "You're just jealous cause you need to get laid, and no one's offering."

"I'm more than capable of taking care of myself, Jen."

"What about me? I want someone to take care of me. Please take care of me, Chu." Lisa looked pleadingly at Jisoo who scoffed, though she was seriously considering taking her up on that offer.

"You haven't told us our plans for today, Rosie."

"Cause it's a secret."

Jennie gave her the best puppy dog eyes she could muster, "but I'm your girlfriend. We agreed not to keep anything from each other."

"Not telling you, you'll see soon enough. I promise you'll all enjoy it. Though it'll be crazy hot, so make sure to bring a fan and a hat."

"Jennie should bring an air condition and sparkling water."

"Aiya, Lisa!" Jennie playfully smacked the younger girl who was laughing at her own joke, "if you don't stop, I'll cut off your bangs."

"Rosie! Control your woman!"

"Don't bring me into this, you're on your own."

Jennie grinned wickedly at Lisa before cuddling into Rosie's side, satisfied with Rosie's answer, while Lisa just held onto her bangs, scared that she'd wake up one day to find them gone.

"We're almost there!" Rosie suddenly squealed as the car drove up the hills outside the city. "Okay, so quick information, today we're going to meet an animal that is extremely dangerous. They're feared by many, their fangs are only rivaled by their claws, they attack out of nowhere, and you need to be on guard when around them. We will get to hold them, but you have to be careful." Her voice was low, adding to the heavy tension in the car as the other three tried to figure out what exactly they'd be holding that day.

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