In My Hood(ie)

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"You're joking!"

"Unfortunately, not."

The two girls were seated at the dining room table, one looking shocked at what she had just heard, the other looking sad for her best friend.

"But why?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe you saw wrong?"

"Jisoo, my vision is the best of the four of us, and I was literally standing right next to her. I know what I saw."

Lisa was on the verge of tears as she relayed today's events to Jisoo, who was chewing on her bottom lip in between sips of coffee.

"We need to do something, right?"

Jisoo let out a sigh. "Definitely. Imagine if we waited, and then it got worse and something bad happened? We'd never be able to live with ourselves."

"I'm just so surprised."

"Me too. I never expected this from her."

"Me neither." Lisa practically let out a sob as Jisoo patted her arm. "What are we going to do?"

"I have a plan." Jisoo leaned in and whispered in the younger girl's ear, who nodded along as her unnie shared her plan in order to help their friend.

"When do we strike?"

"Tomorrow, 2 pm. Enough time to plan and arrange everything, and long enough after lunch that we can lure her in with food."

"Should we tell Jennie? She is her girlfriend after all..."

Jisoo shook her head, "no, Jennie will freak out. We should give Chaengie a chance to explain herself first, before we go to Jennie."

"You're so smart."

Jisoo nodded seriously. "I'm not just the visual of this group. Now, where's my chocolate milk?"


"Is everything ready?" Jisoo whispered to Lisa who nodded in return. "Where is she?"

"In her room, petting Joohwangie." Jisoo rolled her eyes, what was with the blonde and that stupid fish?!

Taking a final sip of her chocolate milk and fixing her hair, she gave the youngest Blackpink member a small nod. "Call for her."

"Chaengie, can you come here pleaseee?" Lisa called out, almost using her aegyo voice. The two waited in anticipation as the door to the blonde's bedroom opened, and she came shuffling into the dining room, pink fluffy slippers and all.

"What is it Lis- oh, food!" she excitedly made her way over to the table and began eating the fried chicken, causing Lisa and Jisoo to exchange a look. So far, so good.

They sat down next to each other, opposite Chaeng, as they watched her eat heartily. "What's up with the food? Didn't we just have lunch?"

"Uhh, Jisoo bought too much fried chicken, and she couldn't finish it all." Lisa quickly lied, earning her strange looks from both of her unnies.

"Uhh, ok?" Chaeng shrugged, she'd never, ever, seen Jisoo not finish fried chicken, but maybe she wasn't feeling to well that day.

Jisoo, however, was furious that Lisa could even dare imply that she didn't finish her chicken, she ALWAYS finished her chicken. She was about to cause a massive tantrum about it when she remembered why they were there in the first place. "Uhm, yeah, so full today. Too much chicken. Here, have some chocolate covered strawberries." She pushed the plate of strawberries towards Chaeng with a slightly creepy smile.

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