Spider chandeliers

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The next morning when Kira woke up, Gouenji was the first thought on her mind. She smiled as she recalled the previous night and what a wonderful time she had had with him. Everything about the date was perfect but what especially touched her heart was his decision to stop by at the cafe. It proved to her that he cared about her opinions and actually wanted to keep her happy rather than just prove how extravagant he can get.

She remembered she had already confessed to him that she loved him. She facepalmed thinking how hasty she had been. But it wasn't a lie, she felt really strongly about him. She wasn't too concerned with hearing him repeat the same words to her. It was enough that he let her stare at him unendingly, admire him and shower him with affection.

She was tired so she decided to take some rest that day. Instead of working on her regular things, she brought the laptop to the bed and began watching something. She also brought out a small sketchbook and scribbled on it absent-mindedly. However, she was surprised to see that she had ended up drawing a sketch of Gouenji.

She giggled at her doing and switched to a new page. After a fifteen minutes of scribbling she realised she had drawn him again. She switched to a new page and did the same a third time. At this point, she understood her mind was not ready to think about anything but him. She was surprised at her own behaviour and how she had been absolutely reckless in letting him take over her entire being. No matter how much she tried to find the reason for it she could not. It was the most inexplicable thing to ever happen to her.

This was now her new normal. She would spend almost all her time thinking about him. No matter what she did and where she went, he was constantly present in her mind. And when she was with him she was completely wrapped around his finger, admiring his beauty and swooning over everything he said to her.

If someone who knew her before saw her now they wouldn't be able to recognise her. She had become a completely different person. No one could have believed that some day she would be so devoted to someone when all her life she had never cared for such things.

He took her on many fun dates and he kissed her often. He was enthralled when he found her workspace filled up with sketches of him even replacing some of the old ones that had been there for a long time. His face was radiant that day and his demeanor was specially upbeat.


Kira rested her head on Gouenji's shoulder as he kept browsing his phone. It was a lazy evening, the tv was on even though neither of them were particularly watching and she occasionally pointed to the things on his screen that she found funny. After a while, he returned to his own account and was scrolling to show her a picture from a specific trip he was telling her about when she spotted a ravenette woman standing next to him, both of them looking happy.

"Who is she?" Kira instantly asked.

"My ex. " He sighed and answered.

Kira looked up at him with curiosity, "You never mentioned her. What happened?"

"She broke up with me. " He responded.

Kira frowned at the idea of someone breaking up with him, "But you're perfect. " She smiled and snuggled up to him again.

"But I'm glad she did. " She added after a moment, " Or how would I meet you?"

He smiled, she smiled and the topic was let go. He archived the post and moved to the one that he actually wanted to show her and the discussion resumed as usual.

Later that night he went over all of the places he kept photos and made sure he didn't repeat the same mistake again that he had already done twice.


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