First day

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"I'm finally here" you groaned under your breath. You stare up in awe at the huge school in front of you. You shake your head and walk into the large doors that swing open easily for their size.

You're walking up a flight of stairs on your way to your home room. As you're walking a blonde boy with spikey hair slams into you causing you to stumble backwards and trip over your shoe. He looks irritated. "Watch it extra.." he mumbles. You really don't know how to react, he caught you off guard. He holds out his hand while rubbing the back of his head with the other. He now looks calmed down so you take his hand.

He pulls you up with great force sending you into him, now he looks embarrassed

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He pulls you up with great force sending you into him, now he looks embarrassed. You still haven't said anything. "Sorry about that, idiot.." he says. He sees you look confused so he walks off.

You finally find your home room, there are about 24 other people in there, you're the last one in the room. You take your seat not paying attention to who's sitting beside you. "Welcome to University students... we will begin today with introductions. Everyone will say their name, quirk, and one thing you like" the teachers voice was bizarrely monotone.
All of the class has gone except you and your desk mate.

They stand up and you look up at them only to realize that you recognize them from this morning! "The names Katsuki Bakugo, quirk; explosion. And I uh- I like spicy food." He sits down just as fast as he stood up and looks at you. Your eyes meet and you look away. You realize the class is looking at you so you stand up. "My name is Mara Ochoa, my quirk is Mirrors.. and I like white chocolate..." you sit down unsure of yourself.

After home room you find your way to Hero Training. You're particularly excited for this class because you get to show off your quirk. You can't wait to get your new hero costume. You designed it a few months before classes started so they had extra time to do it; it needed some special features.

You walk into the class and see Bakugo again, he's standing in the back talking to a boy with spikey red hair. You seat your self in the middle of the room and slouch in your chair; there's still three minutes of passing period left until class actually starts.

The bell rings.

The two boys take their seats beside you, with bakugo on your right and his friend on his right. You look over and the red haired boy waves at you at mouths 'hello'. You wave at him with a friendly smile. He blushes lightly but you've already turned your attention to the teacher. "Does everyone see the number on your desk? Good. That's where you sit for the rest of the year. I hope you like who you're sitting by. Anyways today we're going out to the training block. Get your hero costumes on and meet me at Training Block C"

Five minutes later...

"Since everyone's here, I'm putting you in groups of two and you'll be fighting another group of two. One of you will be the heroes the other will be the "villains" got it? Good." You wonder to yourself who you'll be paired with.

The teachers reading off names and what role they'll be with their partner. She still hasn't said your name. You notice the two boys are staring at you, you costume isn't too revealing, it does however highlight your "assets". Your costume is black and white.

Finally the teacher reads your, and a boys name; "Mara Ochoa, and Hitoshi Shinso, as villains against Katsuki Bakugo, and Eijiro Kirishima." You see the red haired boy you now recognize as Kirishima, he smiles at you and you smile back. You go to find Shinso, but someone taps you on the shoulder.

"Hello, are you Ochoa?" Says a tired
Looking boy with pale purple hair. "Yes I am, are you Shinso then?" He nods. "Well since we're working together, what's your quirk?" He says looking down at you. "My quirk is called Mirrors.." he looks confused "I can basically make mirrors appear and disappear in a 500 yard radius. I can also control what people see in them.." he looks like he understands "What's yours?" You say to him. He just says 'you'll see' and as if on queue the teacher uses her quirk and sends you all to a different area of the arena.

The area itself looked like a city. You and Shinso decided you'd get into your roles and make it a little more fun. You both starts destroying the 'shops' and acting like villains in general. You hear a loud boom from behind you and you jump.


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