Ticking Time

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<Ali POV>

"What does that mean? What happens when we run out of time?" I asked panicking

"Han? Where are you going?" Spencer asks looking upstairs

"I'm going to wake Aria up. I want to know the full story." Hanna says storming upstairs

"Spence we have to find her. We have to." I said crying

"Where would she be?" Spencer asks

"do we call the police?" I asked

"I already did. They're on their way." Spencer responds

"There's no time for waiting. We need her. I need her." I say as I cried even harder

"I know you do" Spencer says hugging me

"I love her more than anything." I added

"It's ok. We will find her." Spencer says

<Hanna POV>

I walked upstairs and stood next to the door where Aria was sleeping behind. I stood there and cried for a minute. My best friend may be gone in 72 hours and I'm here not knowing what to do. I quickly get myself together and walk in the room.

"Wake up." I said as I turned the lights on

"Huh?" Aria asks surprised

"Tell me the full story. Now." I said seriously

"What are you talking about Han? I told you the full story." Aria said confused

"Aria. Emily life is in danger. Just tell me where A was heading so I,we can get our best friend back." I said as I was getting fustrated

"Why would I tell you?" Aria asks with a serious attitude

"I swear Aria,if you don't,I will-" I said

"You will what Hanna?" Aria asks

"I will personally beat it out of you." I responded

"It's too dangerous. You guys won't make it out alive." Aria says sincerely

"Goddamit Aria. Tell me where that place is." I said getting angrier and angrier as time passed

"Cabin in the woods. Basement." She responds

"Don't say I didn't warn you." She says as I walked out the door

I walk downstairs to see Spencer and Ali crying while hugging each other

"Cabin In The Woods. Now. Spence,you drive." I said as I broke the silence

"W-what?" Spencer asks

"Let's save our bestfriend." I said

"Ok let's go." Ali says

<Ali POV>

We're on our way to the Cabin.

"Guys,before we get there,I want to say that Aria said that we might not be able to make it out." Hanna says out of the blue

"WHAT?!?!" Spence and I said together

"I'll go in if you guys aren't willing too. Em is my bestfriend." Hanna says

"I'll go with you. She's my girlfriend." I said

"We will all go in together." Spencer says

She parks the car infront of the Cabin.

"Wait guys." Hanna says before we all went out

"What?" I asked

She pulls out a loaded pistol.

"Now I'm ready." Hanna says holding the pistol up

"Give me that." Spencer says pulling the gun away from her

"Where did you get this Han?" Spencer asked

"Caleb." She responds

"Let's get our bestfriend back." Spencer says going out of the car

"Hey! Give me my gun back." Hanna yells from the car

"No." Spencer says

"Yes!" Hanna argues back

"Then you have to be in the front." Spencer responds

"Why can't I be in the back?" Hanna questions

"Because you'll end up killing one of us when you shoot." I respond

"You can have the gun. I'm not dying first today." Hanna responds

I rolled my eye.

"Let's find my babe." I said as I opened the door

"Emily?" I whispered

All of a sudden and black hooded person pops up. Spence holds the pistol up and the figure.

"Who are you?" Spencer asks

"Someone you don't need to know." It responds

As Spencer is about to shoot,it runs out the door.

"GRAB HIM" Spencer yells

Hanna and I were holding on to each other. We were to scared to grab the hooded figure

"You guys!" Spencer yells

"I was sacred." I responded

"Ok no. I was scared even more." Hanna says

"Let's find Em. We can argue later." I said

We went room to room.

"How many rooms can a house have?" Hanna questions

"Basement." I said looking down the steps

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go." Spencer says taking the lead

"Hey spence?" Hanna asks

"What?" Spencer responds

"Why didn't you shoot?" She asks

" because I didn't know who it was." Spencer responds

"I would of shot that asshole." Hanna responds

"Here take the lead then." Spencer says handing Hanna the gun

"I change my mind." She responds

"Guys get down there" I said

We all walked down the steps.
There she was. My beautiful Emily.

"Em!" I said as a ran to her

She was groggy. Like she was on drugs.

"Let's get you home." I said

"W-where am I?" She asks

"Not home." Hanna replies

I pick Em up and carry her bridal style. I put her in the car and get in.

"Are you ok? Are you thirsty?" I asked worriedly

"I'm fine." She says still confused

"Lay in my lap." I said

She puts her head on my lap and slowly falls asleep. I have her in my arms again.

"I love you." I whispered

Wow. Another update? Surprise. They found Em. You won't know what will happen next...or maybe a few more chapters. Wait and see. Maybe another update on Sunday. I don't know. Maybe. Title doesn't match with chapter. Oh wells. Too lazy to think of one.

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Much Love ❤️❤️❤️

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