The horse AttAck

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<Spencer POV>

The horse attacked both of us. There was nothing we can do. It was way too big. My eyes began to close. Before it does I see emily lying on the ground with blood on the head and I see a figure. It was A. I couldn't see that bitch's face but I saw it standing there. I slowly closed my eyes.

1 hour later

I woke up in the hospital. No one was in the room. It was quiet except for the beeping monitor. I went back to sleep.

<Emily POV>

I woke up in the hospital bed to see Ali by my side holding my hand. She was sleeping. I moved a little and it woke her. I see her eyes puffy and red. She started

"Why didn't you tell me you were looking for A? Do you know how dangerous it was? Do you know what A could of done? I could of been there to protect you Em."

"It was too dangerous for all of us. How's spencer and the girls?"

"They're all fine. Spencer's in the room besides you. Don't ever go searching for A without telling me." Ali says

"How did you find us?" I asked curiously

"Aria and Hanna knew where you guys were. I called them this morning to ask where you were. They said they thought you went home. We went up to the mountains to see you guys bleeding and hurt."

"Ali,about the kiss."

"Em,I'm sorry."

"No don't be."

"No you're dating Paige. I shouldn't have kissed you!"

"We broke up..."

"What? Why?"

"Because all the feelings I had for you came rushing back."

She leans in and kisses me. It becomes more heated until the doctor came in.

"Emily Fields?"

"That's me."

"You are free to go home."

"Ok thanks."

I looked at Ali.

"I love you Alison."

"I love you too Emily."

<Alison POV>

I helped Emily get ready. Before we went I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. We went to check on spencer. The girls were sitting there. They told us to go home and that they'll watch over spence. I drove to Emily's house.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" I said

"Please." She replied

We went in her room and I looked at her. She came up to me and kissed me passionately. It was getting heated. I took off her shirt as she took off mine. We went to the bed and she gently puts me on it. She stopped kissing me and asked

"Are you sure?"

I replied "I've been waiting."

We kissed and she started taking off my jeans. I flipped her over and now I'm on top. I looked in her eyes and said "I love you so much." "I love you too" she responded.

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