The Truth Comes Out (Iron Man)

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"'s been a while since I've been in front of you, so I'll stick to the cards at the moment" says the Genius Billionare Playboy Philanthropist Tony Stark as he stands behind a podium

"There has been rumors that I've been involved in some events they've occurred in Freeway, on the rooftop-"

A reporter stands up and says
"Um sorry for the interruption Mr.Stark...but do you actually think that we believe that was some sorta bodyguard that appeared,conveniently despite the fact-"

"I know that it's's one thing the question the official story and another thing entirely to make wild accusations that I'm a superhero or even insinuate that I am one"

"I never said you were one Mr.Stark" The reporter replies

"Oh you didn't? Well...uh that's good because that would be outlandish and uh...fantastic" Stark says as he starts to fidget a bit

"Just stick to the cards" James Rhodes whispered

Tony then looks at him and gives him a sarcastic look of "yeah sure" before he moves behind the podium once again

He then pulls up the cards a little higher to see what he's "supposed" to be saying

"The truth is....I am Iron Man"

In a apartment, we can see a young man sitting in his apartment, stunned at the revelation that had just been announced to the whole world.

Y/N, a 17 year old boy, gathers himself before saying in disbelief "What in the hell?"

He presses rewind on his remote before hearing the same thing again. He shakes his head in slight disbelief before taking a drink of his tea, sighing in bliss as the warm liquid flows down his throat.

Then there's some knocking on his door he gets up to answer it, not even bothering to look through the peephole, and opens the door only to get tackled to the ground.

"What the hell?!" Y/N screams as he feels himself being crushed

He looks down at his body, only for his shoulders to be shaken back and forth violently

"DID YOU JUST HEAR WHAT HAPPENED" screams the mysterious person

"Stop shaking me, let me go and calm down." Y/N tells the person, not really in the mood for this dispute

We get a good look at said person and we can see that it's Y/N's best and only friend, Aaron.

Y/N gets up with the help of Aaron, and closes the door only for Aaron to go back to talking loudly about the news and with Y/N sitting there watching him go on about Tony stark being Iron Man.

Aaron finally calm down enough to flip the couch back on it's normal place and sit down on it. They sit there for a couple of minutes only for Y/N to break it.

"You/I dont know who Tony Stark is do you?" They reply at the same time

"Ok listen Tony Stark is the CEO of a massive weapons company. Few months ago, he ups and disappears into thin air. The next time he turns up, there's reports of a heavily weaponized suit." Y/N states

"Plus...even if I was what you would call being braindead, which I'm not, even I could've pieced together that the great Tony Stark had at least a little something with the creation of the Iron Man suit. And if my memory is failing, Stark Industries was building an Arc Reactor technology"

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