~𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 1~

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  "What are you doing?"

  "What does it look like? I'm packing your bags?"

  "Who said I'm leaving?"

  "I said so. You're no use for this house. You barely make money. I can't get by on my own. You have to leave."

  "Fine. I'll leave but if one day I become successful and make a lot of money, don't come begging me to get back."

  "Haha you? Successful? Never happening. You're way too optimistic."

  "We'll see."


    And that's how I ended up here. Living on my late mother's car again. I used to live in this car with my mother while she was still alive. My dad had already dumped us before I was born. He just left without a warning or a note. I had been living in this car with my mother for 16 years until she died of starvation. She always insisted that I should eat but look where that got her... She left this world. She left me alone to survive here so that's what I'll do. I'll fight and survive. For her.

     That's why I started working at 16 years old. I didn't go to high school due to all my part-time jobs.

    Now I'm 21 years old, still working like a dog at a small café. I'm on my way to my car or what you would call home. Whenever I look around me there are children hugging their parents and having everything they want. I'm kinda jealous of that. They always seem to be happy and loved. The only person that loved me truly was my mother.

    I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings...

    A small group of what looked like dangerous people had surrounded me and asking for my money. I didn't have any money on me. I didn't know what else to say so I just told them that I don't have any money, which was actually true. Unfortunatelly for me, they didn't believe me since everyone says that when they're about to be robbed.
    The distance between us started closing. Two of them pulled out a knife and started coming my way. As I felt my heart beating faster and faster, I closed my now teary eyes, completely ready to die...

   My eyes shut open the moment I heard the sound of someone falling. My vision was still blurry due to my crying but I could still recognise the smell and the bright red color of blood. When my eyes cleared, I could see everything.

     A man jumped from the high-rise building to find himself falling on top of the two guys holding the knives and casually killing them. The rest of the group run off once they saw their friends dead on the ground, their faces still having the frightened look they had before dying.

       He had bandages covering almost every spot on his body. The weird looking stranger wore black clothing that was now covered in blood. His beautiful shiny brown hair stained with gore. I kept looking at him terrified as he kept on whispering angrily.

  "Dammit. Does this world want me alive or something?"

   He said loudly. Thank Goodness no one was passing by these dark alleys. He kept on talking by himself...

  "Why is it to hard to commit suicide. I just want to die but everyone seems to be getting in my way! Why did these guys have to be here right now? This was the perfect suicide plan and here I am now all alive and breathing. So much for wanting a proper suicide!"

   I looked at him completely weirded out by his one-sided conversation. He stopped for a moment once noticed me. He looked at me from head to toes with a confused but at the same time cold look.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Oh. Maybe cause you're covered in blood?"

"Well you're covered in blood too but you seem fine. It's not my blood, it's theirs."

"You seem pretty calm for someone who just witnessed a suicide attempt and two murders. Is there any chance that you wish to die too?"

  His eyes light up at the mention of death and suicide. This guy's a weirdo. He looked at me as if he found the perfect person for him. Ah there it goes...

"What's you name?"

"My name is l/n (last name) y/n"

"I'm Dazai. Dazai Osamu."

"Nice to meet you Dazai."

"Would you join me in a double-suicide y/n?"

"Um no thanks. I have my desire to live. Thanks for saving me though."

"Ugh man what a buzz kill. It's okay I'll find another woman to commit suicide with me. You see... My dream is to commit suicide with a beautiful woman."

"Was that a compliment? You think I'm beautiful?"

"To be honest, not really. You're average looking but you seemed like the type of woman who would say yes to a double-suicide. Guess I was wrong then..." He said getting up from the dead bodies.

Ouch. That hurt a little. But he was right. My face looked blunt. I was numb. I couldn't feel any pain, misery or happiness. Maybe a double-suicide wouldn't be too bad...

"Hmm maybe you are right. You know what? I'll join you on a double suicide. Not now though. I'm tired as hell."

"Are you for real? Thank you so much! How can I repay you? Do you need me clean up the blood on you? Do you want me to walk you to your house? I can do anything before we die!"

"You don't need to do any of these things. I'll find somewhere to clean up the blood and I don't even have a house you can walk me to."

"You don't have a house? How about you come to my apartment to clean up and stay till we commit our suicide?"

   That isn't actually a bad idea. It sounds a little crepy though. Me staying on a complete stranger's house who just killed two guys in front of my eyes while attempting suicide. I guess I'm dying anyway so I might as well live my last days in some proper living conditions.

"Okay let's go suicide maniac"

"You're a suicide maniac too you know?"

"Just because I agreed to commit suicide with you doesn't make me a suicide maniac."

"Whatever you say."

   We both walked together to his apartment, fully covered in blood. It felt really weird but at the same time normal. I somehow felt comfortable with Dazai. We had only met some hours ago and here I am walking with him to his apartment till we commit double-suicide. This is crazy, but I could get used it it for some days...


𝘚𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘢𝘭 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦 (Dazai Osamu X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now