"What the, where did you come from!" Said the villain.

Ashido looked up and saw someone standing in front of her.

"Don't you dare touch Ashido" said the person.

Green light started to come out from the person and was able to push her back. Once Ashido got a good look at the person she saw it was Izuku Midoriya aka Deku. Ashido saw how beat up Midoriya was, he was bruised, broken, bloody, and now punchered.
"I know who you are, they call you 'Cactus the spike villain' , you kill many people by shooting your spikes at them or hugging them till they bleed out" said Midoriya.

"Smart boy, but smarts alone won't win you a fight" said the villain. She started to run from to the right and shot needles, not at Midoriya, but at Ashido. The One for All user saw this and used his own body as a shield. Once the needles connected he tried to muffle his yelp of pain. He then ran at the villain and swiftly punched her in the face knocking her back. She yelled in annoyance and she  shot her needles at him only for him to dodge it. Then yet again she aimed for Ashido and fired. After Midoriya used his body once again as a shield he was fed up with the villain attacking his classmate.

"Smash!!" Yelled Midoriya and charged up One for All to thirty percent and was able to land a clean punch to her face knocking her out cold. The places where the needles hit Midoriya was seven on his back and five on one of his legs. Once he knocked out the villain he ran to Ashido.
"Ashido! Are you okay?" He frantically asked her. All she could do was look at him and start crying. He leaned closer to her to see what was wrong but she unexpectedly hugged him.

"A-A-Ashido!?" He yelled

"I'm so sorry Midoriya, y-you got hurt because of me a-and I should of helped you but I was too afraid" She was barley able to say

He hugged her back and after a couple of seconds he let go. They met face to face and he smiled. She was surprised at this. 'How can he be smiling?' She thought to herself. Midoriya wiped her tears and asked.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt" he asked her
She nodded and pointed to her leg. He saw the needles and she was about to attempt to pull them out on her own but he stopped her.
"Don't, I'll do it for you" he said as he grabbed all three of them.
"Hey Ashido, what's your favorite candy?" He asked her. This had her confused but she answered.
"Oh it's- OW!" she shouted. He had did that trick where doctors ask you a question and when you're distracted they put the needle in you. He knew that Ashido would of expected the pain so he distracted her so it wouldn't hurt nearly as much. He took off what was left of his shirt and tied it around the spot where blood was dripping out.
"Can you walk?" Asked Midoriya

"Sort of, wait your hand!" she had noticed that his hand was now bleeding, despite it already being bruised.
"oh yeah, it looks like the whole needle was sharp and not just the tip hehe" he responded. The injured green haired boy helped Ashido get up and turned around from her and crouched down a bit .
"Get on"

"But your arms" she responded in a worried tone.

"It's okay I promise, I'll take you to the rest of the class where you'll be safe" he told her. She knew there was not point in stopping him so she did as she was told and got on his back and held on for dear life. If Midoriya could look at her he would've seen Ashido's face. Guilt had over come her and she felt helpless, but she felt safe when she was with him. He grabbed onto her thighs and activated One for All and started to sprint. The farther and faster he ran the harder she had to hold onto him so she wouldn't fall. Once he saw silhouettes of bodies in the distance he was getting ready to fight until he recognized a few of them. It was students from 1-B. It was Itsuka Kendo and Testutetsu Tetsutetsu. Around the two students was a body of a middle school student.
"Guys, I need you to take Ashido and get her help!" He shouted at them.

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