Chapter 11: Difficult memories

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They were both hesitant as she leaned over the pensieve, and then they were standing in the headmasters office, Albus slumped, semiconscious, in the chair behind the desk, Snape tending to his burnt hand.

"What are you doing to him?" Lily asked.

"Trying my best to stop the effects of a cursed object and to heal him," Severus said softly. "Listen."

Snape was furious. "It's a miracle you managed to return here! That ring carried a curse of extraordinary power, to contain it is all we can hope for; I have trapped the curse in one hand for the time being..."

Albus examined his hand, "you have done very well, Severus." Then casually, "How long do you think I have?"

"I cannot tell. Maybe a year. There is no halting such a spell forever. It will spread eventually, it is the sort of curse that strengthens over time." Snape said, still angry.

Albus smiled. "I am fortunate, extremely fortunate, that I have you, Severus."

"If you had only summoned me a little earlier," Snape said furiously, "I might have been able to do more, buy more time! Did you think that breaking the ring would break the curse?"

"Something like that... I was delirious, no doubt... Well, really, this makes matters much more straightforward."

"He always talked in riddles," Lily said in frustration. "And he never seemed to take anything seriously," she said, rolling her eyes.

Half a smile flashed across Severus' face. "Thanks. This is hard," he said with a sigh.

"I refer to the plan lord Voldemort is revolving around me. His plan to have the poor Malfoy boy murder me." Dumbledore continued.

"Malfoy? Poor?" Lily spit incredulously.

"He really is a good kid," Severus said softly. "I really hope he turns out ok."

Scowling, Snape said "The dark lord does not expect Draco to succeed. This is merely punishment for Lucius' recent failures. Slow torture for Draco's parents, wile they watch him fail and pay the price."

"In short," said Albus, "the boy has had a death sentence pronounced upon him as surely as I have. Now, I should have thought the natural successor to the job, once Draco fails, is yourself?"

Snape paused. "That, I think, is the dark lord's plan."

"Lord Voldemort foresees a moment in the near future," Albus asked, "when he will not need a spy at Hogwarts?"

"He believes the school will soon be in his grasp, yes."

"And if it does fall into his grasp," said Albus casually, "I have your word that you will do everything in your power to protect the students of Hogwarts?"

Snape nodded.

"Good," Albus sighed. "Now then. Your first priority will be to discover what Draco is up to. A frightened teenage boy is a danger to others as well as to himself. Offer him help and guidance, he ought to accept, he likes you..."

".... much less since his father has lost favor. Draco blames me, he thinks I have usurped Lucius' position."

"All the same, try. I am concerned less for myself than for accidental victims of whatever schemes might occur to the boy. Ultimately, of course, there is only one thing to be done if we are to save him from lord Voldemort's wrath."

Snape raised his eyebrows and asked sardonically, "are you intending to let him kill you?"

Severus winced as Albus answered.

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