"If you want I can give you a ride" he suggested. "That's kinda creepy" Y/N joked with the man but it come off sounding seriously.

"Um do you want money?" He asked. "No thank you, I was joking! Damn, are you okay?" Y/N asked being shocked by the seriousness this mans aroma had.

"Mentally, or Physically?" He mocked.

"Whatever, um about that ride though, can you? I mean if it's no bother or course!" Y/N asked nicely trying to go home.

"Of course, um I don't think I got your name." He said staring at the new member in front of him, as they both began walking to the parking lot.

"Oh um L/N F/N! And yours?" They answered only catching his last name.

"Tomioka Giyuu" he answered as he lead Y/N to his car.

"Not gonna lie this seems sketchy. If you're going to pull something just know I have pepper spray " Y/N threaten yet was joking at the same time.

"Pft you won't have to worry about that" he replied as both of them stepped into the car.

He did the usual dad reverse where he put his arm behind the passenger seat as his muscles tense up.

Y/N became flustered at the sudden change. Quickly turning on the music and stared at the window as the man next to them was startled by the sudden action.

"Are you okay?" He scoffed with a small smile that Y/N didn't catch. "Yup, never been better" Y/N answered awkwardly.


After 30 minutes they pulled up to Y/N's apartment. The 2 had gotten along very well during the car ride,

"Hey! Wanna grade work with me this weekend, I have a test scheduled on Friday" Tomioka asked Y/N as they were leaning against the window saying their farewells.

"Of course! It's nice to have a new friend!" Y/N ended the conversation with the man as he finally drove off.

"Ah! I see you met my friend Giyuu" a voice was heard behind Y/N.

"Shit! Kanroji you fucking scared me," Y/N scolded hitting the girls shoulder. "Sorry for not being able to pick you up but I see it worked out" the girl winked as she pushed Y/N teasingly.

They have lived with the pink colored girl for a year for being too broke to pay rent by themself.

Y/N and Kanroji have been friends since high school so they were both pretty close.

In fact she was the one who recommended for Y/N to work at Kimestu academy with her boyfriend and Rengoku who was also a close friend.

"Wait he's a teacher? The mother fucker doesn't even know simple social skill!" Y/N joked yet was shocked.

"I feel like you forget my boyfriend went to school with you" Kanroji blank faced Y/N in judgment.

"Kind of offended you think I don't listen to your blabbering. Anyways he seems nice! It's nice to have a friend other than you for a change" Y/N fired at Kanroji as they walked to the apartment opening.

"Hey! What's that suppose to mean!" Kanroji yelled as she chased after Y/N following them to their apartment.

A/N: This story it gonna be hard to write mainly because of how many emotions there are 😀 anyways I do this thing called the daily meme/ jokes which aren't funny but whatever.
Artist: ???

Artist: ???

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