I Don't Know (Part 1) (Dallon Weekes x Reader)

Start from the beginning

You ran to the bathroom and quickly got showered and dressed, then styled your hair and did your makeup. When you went back to the kitchen, Dallon was almost finished with the dishes.

You looked at the clock.

"Okay...I have to be at work in about ten minutes.." You Said. "Can you lock up when you leave?"

"Yep!" Dallon Said. "Hope you have a good day."

"You too." You Said, smiling at him. "Thanks again."

"Hey, no problem." He said. "It was the least I could do after eating a ton of your food last night."

"Yeah...But we had fun." You Said. "Well...I better go."

You ran over and gave him a quick hug, to which he just kissed you on the head since his hands were wet. You ran to the front door and waved at him one last time, then opened it up and left for work.

That day at work was rough, and your boss didn't even let you have a break for lunch. But since you were Still full from breakfast, you decided not to complain about it. By the time the day was over, you were exhausted, and looking forward to getting in pajamas and lounging on the couch while eating junk food for the rest of the night.

After leaving your work building, you hailed a taxi, but the driver didn't notice you, so he just kept going. You sighed, deciding that you would get home faster if you just walked to the bus stop.

So you walked....and walked...and walked, and for whatever reason, the bus stop seemed farther away than it actually was.

Then it started to rain.

"Ugh...can today get any worse?" You Asked Yourself.

Then a bus went by, splashing you with water.

You sighed, then continued walking.

By the time you got to the bus station, you were soaked, but happy that you were finally able to go home and put on your warm pajamas.

And after a short drive to the bus stop that was by your apartment building, you knew you would soon be in the comfort of your home. You excitedly got off of the bus, then ran up to your apartment. You went to go unlock the door, but realized that it wasn't locked.
"Really Dallon?" You mumbled, opening the door.
You stepped inside, and all the lights were on, and the TV was playing. You sighed, a little annoyed that Dallon didn't turn anything off, then took off your coat and laid it on the couch.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
You jumped.
What was Dallon still doing there?
"Um...yeah.." you said.
You went into the kitchen, and Dallon was preparing food.
"You're just in time. It's almost ready." He said, smiling at you.
"Oh...you didn't have to make supper.." you said.
"Well...I just wanted to do something special for you." He said. "How was your day?"
"Awful.." You Said.
"Aww, I'm sorry.." he said.
"It's okay, I'm kinda used to it." You Said.
He put some food on a couple of plates, then set them on the table. He pulled out a chair for you, and you sat down with a mumbled 'Thank you'
He took off the apron that he was wearing, then sat across from you.
"So what did you do today?" You asked.
"Well...I hope you don't mind, but I cleaned a bit." He said.
"You don't have to do that." You Said. "But thank you so much...I've just been so busy lately that I haven't been able to get much done around here."
He nodded understandingly, then cleared his throat.
"I...um.." he stuttered.
He looked up at you, starting to turn red.
"Yeah?" You Asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"I...like your shoes.." he said, looking underneath the table at your feet.
"These? I bought these like, years ago..." You Said. "But thanks..?"
There was a bit of silence until you finished your supper, which was when Dallon quickly got up and grabbed your plate for you.
"Dallon...thanks for everything, but you really.." You started.
"I know that I don't have to;" He said, smiling a bit. "I want to."
He put your dishes in the sink, Then sat at the table again.
"So...what's going on anyway?" You Asked. "You seem...anxious about something."
He bit his lip. "Um..." he said. "There...is something.."
He took a deep breath.
"Y/N.." he said, looking into your eyes with his beautiful blues. "You've been my best friend for as long as I can remember...and you've been a fucking amazing friend."
He held both of your hands, then looked back up at you.
"I've been wanting to ask you something for a long time, but I never had the guts to say it." He said. He let go of your hands and stood up, then got down on one knee.
"Dallon..." you started.
He pulled a box out of his pocket.
"Y/N....will you marry me?" He asked.
You stood up, feeling a mixture of emotions flood over you.
"What?" You Asked.
He stood up, and held both of your hands again.
"Will you marry me?" He asked again.
"I..I..." You stuttered. "I don't know.."
His eyebrow furrowed. "You...don't know?" He asked.
"Dal...I...You should go." You Said.
"I.." he started..
"Thanks...for everything.." you mumbled.
"Um....yeah." He said.
He turned and left the apartment, and you sat down on the couch dizzily.

Did he really just ask you to marry him?

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