Start from the beginning

It wasn't until Allison brought her hands up and started grabbing her throat that it triggered something within Elaina.

Luther gained consciousness just in time to see the rumor and jumped to his feet. "No! Allison!"

"Allison, no!" screeched Elaina as the blood started to freely flow from Allison's throat. "Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God," she kept repeating as she felt Allison's weight drop into her.

Elaina could hear the scene in her head as she watched Luther fall to the ground with the wheezing Allison. Flashes of a cabin, heavy wind, a violin bow and blood played in her mind.

"No! No!" shouted Luther, his eyes frantically looking around for someone to help as he desperately held onto the woman. "You gotta fight it. Allison, fight it," he kept chanting to Allison as he looked her in the eyes before looking over to Elaina, seeing her expression slowly transform from amusement to unclear concern. "Elaina, help! She's not breathing!"

Elaina felt the tears rush down her face. She sobbed as she tried to keep her small bloody hands over Allison's wound.

"Allison..." she mumbled, taking a tentative step forward before a sharp pain invaded her mind, making her bend down and grab her head.

Tony only looked down at her, his eyes fully black, as he made sure to put an end to the memory. Tony's power worked almost like a parasite invading a host, once his lips made contact with his victim (depending on the kiss) he could temporarily enslave them or simply 'persuade' the way they think, being able to only skim through their minds while they were in his trance and only being able to see what they're thinking at the moment, not anything farther. It was a power similar to Allison's, except the boy didn't have to be around for it to work and it only worked on those who've been at least pecked by the teen's lips.

Tony's black eyes turned to his sister, where they shared an anxious knowing look among themselves.

"What are you waiting for?" stated Lila as she motioned over to Elaina. "Fix her!"

Tony nodded. "Right," he said, grabbing Elaina by the arm to stand her up straight, a hand going under her chin to make her look him in the eyes. "Shhhh... it's okay, estrellita," he said soothingly as she continued to groan. "You're going to be okay," Tony reassured as Elaina's pupils started to grow.

Out of the brick pile, Five crawled his way out. His mind still hazy as to what happened, because the last thing he remembered seeing was Elaina, and her eyes... they seemed almost black. The boy shook his head as he was about to stand when something reflective caught his attention. Five reached out his hand, his brows furrowed, as he picked up the golden bracelet that sat discarded on a lone brick.

He lifted it up, automatically recognizing it's dainty star design. "Elaina?" he questioned, looking around as he stumbly came to a stand, placing the bracelet in his pocket.

When Five lifted his head, the sight he witnessed damn near took the breath from his lungs as he stumbled backward against the stray bricks. Elaina -- his Elaina -- was with her hand on Tony's bicep as the teen held her by the back of the neck, his lips on hers. Five felt his heart rate speed up, his hands balling into fists as he shook with fury.

Tony pulled away slowly from Elaina, his face still remained centimeters from hers as her eyes stayed shut. "Better?" he whispered.

"Mhmm," responded Elaina in a daze, her eyes, now black again, fluttered slightly open as she stared at Tony, attempting to lean in again, to which Tony stopped.

"Whoa there, we got things to do," he stated, his hand on her arms as she pouted. "We can continue later,"

"'Kay," she pouted, making Tony chuckle.

☂ 𝑰𝑵𝑺𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 || 𝙵𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙶𝚁𝙴𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚂 𝚡 𝙾𝙲 || 𝑩𝑲. 𝟐 ☂Where stories live. Discover now