Part 1

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"Oh, look who finally decided to show up today!"

"Sorry, I know I'm late," Ahsoka apologized, slinging her bag off her shoulder as she approached her locker. Luce, one of her colleagues at the mechanic shop she worked at, watched as she took a small box out of her pack before putting it in her locker with her blaster and locked the door again.

Leaning against the wall, he inquired, "What's your excuse this time?"

Raising her eyemark, she contemplated how she wanted to answer before she spoke. "A neighbor blew up their microwave last night, and I stayed up until 2:30 helping them clean up the mess."

"A microwave?"

"I didn't think it was possible either."

Luce shook his head as the two of them walked to the workshop in the back of the building. "Is everyone okay?"

Shrugging, Ahsoka tried to censor the details. "They'll live. One of them has pretty bad burns, it might scar them for a while. Other than that, it was mostly cuts from the shrapnel and glass. I did what I could to help."

"As always," Luce added, jabbing her in the side. "You're like our neighborhood superhero. That's the third accident this week."

"Fourth," she corrected, but she got the point. "I don't know how you all managed without me."

"Don't ask me," the Rhodian told her, opening the door so she could walk through. "What's the box for?"

"It's my sewing kit. Nox asked if he could use it before he goes home in an hour or so," she explained, holding it up for Luce. "Birthday gift, remember?"

He narrowed his eyes at her. "You expect me to remember a specific gift from months ago? No, I don't remember."

Ahsoka just shrugged. It wasn't important. "Well, if you hear about any more exploding microwaves, let me know. After last night, I'm an expert."

Laughing, he slapped her shoulder, promising to let her know if he did. Luce went to his workbench, but Ahsoka took a detour over to Nox's bench as she had promised yesterday. 

Most of the other mechanics in the workshop didn't know this, but Nox was a part of a gang farther down in the Lower Levels. Ahsoka was friends with their leadership and liked visiting when she wanted to train, but she also made sure to keep an eye out for Nox when she could. He was extremely valuable to his gang as one of their only sources of income, but he couldn't defend himself very well. Ahsoka took note of this and tried to help him out when possible, so when he called asking for a favor she hadn't hesitated to follow through. 

She knocked on the wall to let him know she was there. "Delivery," she announced, smiling as Nox raised his visor.

Nox smiled when he saw her. "I was wondering when you...when you'd come."

"Just running late today," she explained, setting the kit on the counter. "Everything's in there. Just set it on the lockers when you're done. I'll pick it up before I leave."

"Thank you," he told her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," she replied, smiling. "Believe me, I know how expensive new clothes are now. Patching old ones is much cheaper."

He gave her a thumbs up, which Ahsoka returned before walking off. That hand gesture was the ultimate sign of approval from Nox. The least she could do was return it.

Finally settling at her own workspace, Ahsoka sat down for a moment and took a breath. She had run the whole way to work since she was late as it was, and taking a minute to rest felt nice. Normally she showed up a few hours earlier, but with how late she had been up last night she had indulged in a few extra hours of sleep. She would get home late tonight, but it was worth it. 

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