Chapter 5

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No, on second thought I want to channel you for this spell"

Jeremy's pov
"Corpori procedent amicus carissimus"
"Did it work ?"
"It should"
"(Sigh) hello there, friend"
Oh my God it worked, I can't believe it worked
"You did it Jay"
I rush to hug my friend, crying on his shoulder
"(Sobs) I miss you, I thought I would never see you again until I saw you in the mirror and then I knew for sure that it was you and, I miss you"
"I miss you too, baby"
"I'm not a baby"
"You're my baby"
Jason's pov
I can't believe I did it, now he's here, but it's going to be for a short time
"Hello friend, I missed you"
"Oh Jason, I missed you guys. Seeing as Justin wasn't the one who did the spell I suggest he has gone on his expedition"
"What do you mean by expedition?"
"He didn't tell you ?"
What's he talking about
"No, he didn't tell us"
"What are you not telling us ?" I ask
"I will explain later for now I have to go, now that you've brought me here I have some catching up to do. All you need to do is send a message to Justin and do it fast"
"But I don't know how"
"You figured a way to bring me back, I trust you'll find a way to get a message across to your brother"
"Ok, I missed you"
I said hugging him
"Don't leave me out" Jeremy said joining us
"Why are you guys hugging me like you haven't seen me for years ?"
What, wait that's Kevin's voice, urgh I think the spell didn't work like we planned
"Wait let me guess, the spell worked"
"I suppose"
"You can go now, we would see you later"

Kevin's pov
****Before they casted that spell****
I hope this doesn't hurt
Wow, where am I?
You're in you, you're just seeing things that happened in your life going back to the very first one you lived. Which was mine
Wait you're the friend?
Yes I am, I am Finn Montgomery. What's your name?
Kevin Salvador
Salvador, that's not supposed to be
What do you mean?
I mean your name isn't supposed to be Salvador but Montgomery. You see when I died I ensured that whenever I wanted to come back into another person's body it will be from my bloodline and since I'm a Montgomery you should also be one or else your name got changed
Ohkay, so what am I doing here?
You are going to see our past memories in each person I jumped into till the spell wears off
I've got to go now
Wow, this looks like I'm in a cinema just that it's my previous lives I'm watching. Great
********* Few minutes later *********
"Hey Kevin"
Oh hey there me, are you done ?
"Yup for now, when they get the correct spell we won't need to do this switching thing again"
Okay, I just hope it doesn't take time to find
"It won't"
"How do you know that"
"How I knew that you're friends are waiting for you in the field" 
"Which friends?"
"Which other friends do you have in this Academy, keep them close"
"Why are you guys hugging me like you haven't seen me for years?"
Wait is the Dean crying??
"I suppose"
"You can go now, we would see you later"
Okay, now where do I start looking for Emma? Oh yeah field.
Guess he was right, I spot them seated on the field
"Hey guys"
I run to them
"Oh hey Kevin"
Emma responds and Katherine and Matt keep bickering without noticing me
"So did you get to find out what you are ?"
Emma asks
"Uhm yeah, turns out I'm a seer that has lived 8 different lives in the past"
Oh, looks like they noticed me
"What do you mean Kevin ?
"I don't know fully yet Emma but I will soon. And Emma be careful"
"Uh, I'm always careful, why do you say so ?"
"I don't know I just have a bad feeling about this night party"
"I hope nothing goes wrong" Emma says
"Nothing can go wrong, The Academy's safe as long as the Professor's and Dean is around" Matt says
But it's not a threat from outside I was talking about, I just have a bad feeling like something is going to go wrong
"Attention students, I have a special announcement for you all, go to where your bag is place, you will find a map and a key on your bag. That's the map of the school, and on that map you'll find that there are different dorms written in different colors, go the dorm whose color matches the color of your ribbon and, your room number is the number on that key. When you have done these things, settle into your new room and prepare for this night party. Thank you for your time.
"Can't he install speakers outside rather than talking directly into our minds ?" Matt complained
"I agree with you on that one" Katherine said
"I suggest we get going" Emma said.
After settling in, I found out that Katherine was a grade alpha shifter, I think that means she can transform into anything and I will be staying in the witches dorm which is close to the shifters dorm where Katherine and Matt are, I just hope she doesn't turn into a lion and tear him apart.
"I must say, they do know how to throw a good party" Matt shouted over the loud noise
"Yeah" I answered
"Excuse me I need some fresh air" Katherine excused herself
"Okay, don't stay too long" Emma said
"We won't want you getting eaten"Matt said
Something is wrong, I could feel it
"Something's wrong, I'm coming let me go and get the Dean" I shout
Deciding to get to the Dean's office the way I got there the last time I go the stage again. When I get there I met the Dean sitting on his chair and his brother pacing about
"Hey, Dean J sorry to disturb you but I've been having a bad feeling about tonight
"Nah, nothing can come inside this Academy"
"Are you sure ?" Professor Kristean asked
"Don't scare the boy Jay"
"He's a seer even if he can't see something coming yet, doesn't mean we should disregard his feeling of something bad about to happen"
"Fine, I'll tell the guards to double their patrol and be on alert"
"Dean, a new shifter just went rogue and she's burning the field"
Someone barged in and shouted. Oh no, I knew it wasn't from outside
"Okay thanks, we'll meet you there"
As we came to the field, we saw that almost everything was burnt, I tried scanning the crowd for Emma and others but I only found her and Matt, I ran to their side and left the Dean and Professors to take care of it
"Where's Katherine ?" I asked
"She's on a burning spree" Matt shouted
"What !!"
"When she was coming back, she got into an argument with a new student and at first we thought they worked it out until the new student stretched out her hands and fire surrounded Katherine" Emma rushed out trying to explain
"And then that's when things went south and she decided to go on a burning spree, isn't she amazing ?"
"Matt shut it, she could hurt herself" Emma said
Oh no, I didn't know things will go bad like this I would have told her not to go in the first place

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