Chapter Two - Hogwarts Express

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Hogwarts Express
(607 words)

You were dragging Oliver onto the train when you heard lively laugher coming from one of the train compartments. You opened the compartment door to reveal Harry, Ron, and Hermione sitting together.

"Y/N! Oliver! It's about bloody time!" Ron chuckled.

"We would've been here eariler if someone hadn't 'lost' his broomstick", you rolled your eyes, hinting at Oliver.

"Y/N, how could you be so rude about it? If my broom were to have gone missing, who knows what could've gone wrong? We definitely wouldn't win any matches."

"I think you're forgetting we have Harry Potter as our seeker", you said grinning at Harry.

Oliver looked over at you with quite an unamused look on his face, causing you to giggle. You sat down next to Harry as Oliver sat down next to Hermione and Ron.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

"Oh, no, thank you though", you smiled at the lady.

The Golden Trio plus Oliver and you easily found entertainment talking about the new school year. Within an hour or so, Hermione pulled out one of her potions books and motioned for Y/N to come sit next to her. Y/N and Hermione talked about the potions they'd be doing that year while Oliver forced the boys to talk about Quidditch.


George followed Fred and Angelina onto the train and quickly found an empty compartment. The lovebirds sat next to one another while George sat across from them.

"Where's Y/N gone?" asked George.

"I saw her with Wood last", Angelina replied.

"Oh. Alright...", George said quietly with a trance of disappointment on his face.

He had hoped Y/N would choose to sit next to him on the way to Hogwarts so that he could talk to her. Not about a certain subject or anything, but just to be near her. They could be talking about anything and he would be so delighted about it. George loved her soft voice and the way she would put her hands against her chest whenever she got exicted.

George heard the compartment door and saw Lee Jordan standing in the entryway. They all said their hello's and Lee sat down next to George. They discussed their plans for upcoming pranks and new products for George and Fred's future joke shop that they had wanted since they were little. While they were discussing, Fred laid his head on Angelina's shoulder and fell asleep.

Suddenly, the train had seemed to come to a stop. Fred and Angelina woke up with a jolt as Lee and George looked out the window to see what was going on.

"There's no way we're already at Hogwarts. It's only been about 4 hours", Lee stated in a confusing tone.

George got up from his seat and walked over to the compartment door. The train then started to shake and all the lights went out. They heard a loud thump and Fred held Angelina close to him.

"Georgie? Are you still there?" Fred asked his brother.

"Yeah, I just got shocked and tripped over Lee", replied his brother quietly.

Lee helped George up and tried to get a good view out of the windows.

"I can't even see amything. All the soot is covering the windows. Hogwarts should really clean their trains, don't ya think?"

The train compartment stayed quiet

"Was that a scream?"

"Sounded more like a squeak. Train must be moving now", Angelina replied.

Sure enough, the train slowly began to move. All the students were still highly concerned but easilyforgot what had happen a mere few minutes ago, returning to their conversations and snack eating.

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