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The soft pitterpatter of the rain on the windows echoed into the quiet common room of the dorms.

The kids sat in comfortable silence as they scrolled through their phones.

Ochako always liked rain. It was so comforting to her. The soothing sound of the little droplets landing on the window soothed her ears as she stepped towards the window. She sat in front of the glass. Ochako looked longingly out at the little droplets. So quiet and calm...

"Uraraka" Izuku greeted the young lady, taking a seat next to her. Hearing the boys voice caused a reaction in her heart, with her ignoring it. She turned her head and smiled at him. "Hey Deku" She replied. Then it was silent. The two were never good at confronting the elephant in the room that only walks in when they're together.

It would be easier to talk to each other if their minds didn't go blank when it's just them. Like, they can talk perfectly fine with other people, but not them. Maybe cause they're not so worried about screwing things up with other people. Probably because they don't feel anything for other people.

They love it when they get time alone together, but hate it at the same time because of the silence that slowly kills them inside. That's why Izuku knows that him and Ochako are never going to happen. It has nothing to do with his plain self, because he knows that doesn't matter to her. If she's best friends with him while he's plain as hell, then she can love his plain as hell self.

But, how can she stay in a relationship full of awkwardness?

It's like the past four days never happened. How did they do all that together? Yesterday, they played house like there was no tomorrow. The kids, the house, the mistyerious pillow fight, the marriage.

"Lets fall in love once again."

Suddenly, his face was redder than red christmas lights.

Even with the backlash of embarrassment he's feeling right now, he doesn't regret a single thing from last night. Izuku feels, other than embarrassed, happy with everything that happened last night. His heart races as he recalls everything, from the crying, to the hug that sent him over the moon.

He takes a quick glance towards Ochako. She has a focused look on her face as she watches the rain fall. Admiration fills her eyes to the brim. He looks back out the window, taking a quick note in his head about her love for rain. He stares out the window. He came over here to spend more time with her. He wants to get closer to her.

Being her best friend is great, but he can't help but want more. And if being a friend to her is as close as he can get to her, then he wants to be the closest friend she's got. Izuku takes a second quick glance her way. Her face hasn't changed, nor her eyes. Still the same Ochako, each time he looked at her, but yet, each time she was in his sight, each time her saw her, always felt like the first time seeing her.

He sighed, trying to abandon his train of thought. He would rather his crush on her stay a crush other than turning into an obsession.

He returned his eyes to the window. He watched the rain fall. Indulging himself to the sound of the soft droplets hitting the window. Before he let his mind wander into something else Ochako related, he got an idea. He looked over at her one more time, making sure she wasn't in a white shirt. Luckily, she was in nothing white. She wa sin a pink T-shirt and gray sweats.

"Uraraka." He caught her attention. She glanced over at him, raising a brow with an unasked question. "Come on," He got up and signed with his hand for her to follow him. She did as she was told, and followed him out the main door.

It wasn't the smartest idea Izuku has had.

1. It was about 20 degrees outside and they were barefoot with no jacket, only T-shirts and gray sweats.
2. They're barefoot, on concrete that goes 10 degrees colder than whatever the air is.
3. It's freezing and wet outside, they have no jackets, they're gonna get pneumonia.

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