"Wait, that's the night I was out with MJ and Ned on her birthday last year!"

"It took some effort but I finally found out your friends' social media handles. Why you're not even on Instagram I really don't know..."

Relieved to talk about anything else rather than about the battle in space, Peter told him. "I see my two friends every day at school. Why would anyone else care about what I have to say on some stupid platform. I hardly have time for sleeping as it is. But enough about me, what about you?"

Wade's summary was brief. "I unalived everyone who tried to kill innocents. I didn't unalive myself even once."

"Oh, Wade... I'm so proud of you," Peter said softly.

Wade turned red, his scars standing out in stark relief. "Unpacking! I haven't done any unpacking yet!" he cried and leapt out of bed. Soon he was elbows deep in his wheeled luggage.

"Is that all you had for the last year?" Peter asked, looking at the pitifully small pile of stuff Wade had pulled out.

"Huh?" Wade asked, looking at the pile. It was just three identical Deadpool suits, one of them still full of bullet holes that Peter tried to ignore, a pair of sweatpants and a sweater, some underwear, a toothpaste and tooth brush. "What else would I need? Except..."

Wade pulled out the last item in his bag. It was a gallon of lube in a handy pump dispenser bottle. "I picked this up from a 24 hour sex shop on the way here from the airport."

Peter snorted with laughter. "Pretty sure of yourself, weren't you, Wade?"

"No, just hopeful. Wasn't I clever though? I mean I'm going to be inside you, or you inside me, every minute we're not eating or sleeping and sometimes when we are for the next month."

Peter squeaked. "Me... inside you?"

"Of course sweetie pie. My biggest fantasy is you webbing me to a wall on top of a roof and fucking me into the wall so hard I can't walk when you unweb me."


Wade's eyes grew misty. "Picture it. Queens. 2019. A scarred antihero, in love with a bootylicious wall crawling superhero. The antihero is webbed to a wall on top of a tall building, unable to move. His leather pants are pulled down just far enough and the superhero's bouncy butt is pumping hard between his legs. When their sweet loving has come to the sticky conclusion, the superhero pulls his superhero suit back on and leaps over the edge, leaving the antihero hanging on the wall, dripping cum on the cracked floor of the roof, his cock still hard, just waiting for the superhero to return and fuck him again. Peter, that anti hero is me. And that websmart superhero is you."

Peter inhaled his laugh into the wrong pipe and started coughing, his face beetroot read.

Wade eyes were drawn to Peter's cock, bouncing against Peter's stomach in time with his cough. "It seems you're not entirely against the idea," he hummed and scooted closer.

"You ... you mean it? You want me to...?" Peter couldn't even finish his sentence.

"So much, Peter. It's okay if we do it in the bed first and work our way up to web bondage al fresco," Wade said soothingly. He turned to lie his back and spread his legs. "I'm ready. Take me."

Peter never knew there would be so much laughing involved with having sex. When he got his uncontrollable giggles in control again, he looked at Wade and blushed again. "Don't I have to, you know, prep you first?"

"Honey, I've been ready for two years." Seeing Peter's concerned face, Wade relented. He dispensed a few pumps from the absolutely massive bottle of lube, slicked his fingers and shoved them inside himself. "There, done. Come on in." Wade's voice turned smooth and inviting like from an advertisement for a Rolls Royce or something.

Peter's meagre experiences with his own hand had again in no way prepared him for what it would feel like to be inside someone else. He now knew why Wade had needed a minute when he'd first bottomed inside Peter. 

"Take your time, baby boy," Wade whispered and wound his arms around Peter's neck and kissed him. 

"Kisses... not helping..." Peter panted, trying to get his surging body into control. 

"It's okay, I want you to fill me with your spider batter, baby."

Peter snorted. 

Wade's eyes widen suddenly. "Do you lay eggs? Don't spiders lay eggs? Are you going to fill me with your eggs?"

Peter sputtered. "Wade, no, that's not.... Really, really not."

"Oh," Wade seemed a little disappointed. "You know you can, if you want to," Wade said and wiggled his butt enticingly.

Peter collapsed in helpless giggles again. "Wade, you're not helping. We're supposed to be... you know." 

"Filling me with Peter eggs, I know. I can't wait," Wade cooed, and pulled Peter's head close enough to kiss him again.

Wade's ridiculous banter had actually helped and Peter managed to thrust inside Wade for all of four minutes before he came. Wade was just so hot and so tight and so slick and he was looking at Peter like he hung the moon and the stars in the sky. He held Peter lovingly when Peter sobbed and shuddered his first cum inside another person. 

"I'm sorry---"

Wade's finger on Peter's lips stopped Peter right there. "None of that. If it helps you any, you lasted about twice as long as I did on my first try all those years ago when I was still young and unscarred and hadn't unalived anyone." 

After the first bumbling effort, Peter insisted on a round two so he could do better. Wade graciously agreed.

They had just finished, Peter collapsing on top of Wade and skidding a little in the slick cum Wade had shot all over himself making Peter lose the fragile hold over his own orgasm, when Peter's phone rang. He grabbed it from the bedside table without thinking, saw who it was and pulled out of Wade in a panic with a loud "plop!"

"Aah!" Wade squealed at the sudden exit.

"Sorry, Wade! Shit!" Peter cursed and pressed the green button. "Hey, mr Stark."

"Did you seriously forget your own birthday party?" Tony's voice was even grumpier than usual.

"Oh shit! Sorry mr Stark! I'll be there in half an hour." Peter disconnected the call and dragged the still dreamy Wade to the shower. "I completely forgot! Mr Stark organized a birthday party for me in the Tower and I didn't want to go because I hoped you would come back today and I didn't want to be gone when you did, but you're here and you'll come with me... won't you?"

Peter should have remembered. It was why Aunt May had given her birthday present to Peter in advance. "Go and celebrate with your friends. I will make you dinner the following day," she had said. And now it was his birthday and Peter had completely forgot. Of course he had a big reason for that.

Said big reason stretched his sinfully sexy body (Peter thought) and smiled. "Of course baby boy. I'll go anywhere with you."

As Peter joined Wade in the shower cubicle, really nowhere near big enough now with Wade filling 90 % of it, he thought about the party. All the Avengers would be there. And they had all kinda found out about Wade the night he had left. And they were all kinda against the idea.

This was going to be all kinds of bad.

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