Chapter 8

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Following behind a short female nurse with long dark brown hair that's pulled into a loose ponytail, and she's wearing lavender colored scrubs and black and gray tennis shoes, until she stops at room 113. She then gently smiles at me saying; "You can head inside, but please, be quiet as he has a headache, and the medicine hasn't started working yet."

"Okay, and thank you, miss," I reply with a slight nod. 

Inhaling deeply through my nose and exhaling through my mouth, I push the door open gently and tiptoe into the room. My heart drops into my stomach at the sight of sweet little Kai, who is lying on the white covered hospital bed - his normally creamy skin is the same color as the bed covers. His left knee is wrapped in a brace, and his right arm is wrapped from just below his fingers up to his shoulder, and is in a sling. His baby blue eyes are more prominent against his pale skin and black hair, and his face is marred by multiple cuts and blues. He blinks like an owl at me with a pain-filled smile gracing his lips. 

"I'm sorry if I scared you, but I'm happy to see you," he rasps out like his throat is dry.

"Shh, don't talk," I quietly tell him, making my way over to his bedside. "I'm glad you weren't hurt as bad as I feared. Your family and friends are in the waiting room."

"I know the doctor told me, but I wanted to see you first. I wanted to say thank you for staying with me," he rasps on a murmur. "Can I have some water, please?" 

Kai's P.O.V.

Vance nods at my request for water, as he grabs the styraphome cup with lid and straw, and brings it to my lips, and allows me to drink until I've had my fill of the cool, soothing liquid. Releasing the straw from my lips, I lie my head back onto the pillow careful of the soreness in the back of my head. 

Sighing softly, I lick my lips and say; "Thank you. You didn't get hurt, right?" I murmur worried.

"I'm okay, perhaps a little freaked out, but I'm okay. Espcially now that I know you are better than I feared, but I'll be even better once your all healed," he assures with an encouring smile.

"You're so sweet," I rasp, my throat is just a little sore now that I've had water. 

Vance instantly blushes at my compliment, so he asks changing in the subject; "Would you like me to get everyone from the waiting room?"

"Yes please, and can you stay longer or do you have to go home now?" I ask, hoping he can stay, but I don't want him in trouble with his mum or uncle for staying too late.

"I can stay until visiting hours are over since mum knows where I am and why," he explains with a sad smile. "I'll be right back then."

Mentally preparing myself for nana's ramapge about this accident, about my stupidity, and honestly I don't think I will ever be prepared for that. The group of them arrive a few minutes later with Kacey entering first, and once our eyes lock, she bursts into soul-crushing sobs. She runs to the side of the bed, and carefully hugs me. Running my fingers from my left hand through her hair gently as she sobs into my neck. 

"Sshh, everything is fine, Kacey," I softly sooth into her ear, and I'm glad the medicine for my headache has kicked in, but either way I will comfort her. "Climb onto the bed, and cuddle with me, but be mindful of my knee and arm."

As she climbs gently onto the bed, and settles against my side with her head on my shoulder, nana barks out; "Kacey Mae, get off that bed now! You're too damn old to be doing that!"

That's it, I've had enough of her shit, if she wants to degrade me, I will find a way to deal but not when she does it to my sister; "Shut the hell up! She's not too damn old for comfort, and we're not numb like you since you only show anger! Don't try turning her into an angry, hateful bitch like you!" 

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