Chapter 4

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- Saturday at 3 p.m. - 

I have never been more thankful than I am clocking out of work the day after Christmas than I am currently. Today has been hectic my entire shift with people coming in to use their gift cards from their Christmas. The bell over the door sounds, and I notice my best friend Blake entering the store with his usual arrogant grin gracing his lips. 

I love Blake as a brother, but man, he can be so damn cocky without even trying. He's handsome, which he is aware of and knows how to work that with the women. He has mousy brown hair that is short, with matching brown eyes, and a fair complexion, and his smile will draw you in like a mouth to a flame. 

"Are you ready, Kai-bear?" he asks with a smirk at me, knowing damn well I hate his nickname for me; scowling at him while poking the tip of my tongue out at him with a nod in reply. Grabbing my backpack from behind the counter in the shelf, I walk around the counter to join him. 

"Bye, Mr. Marshall!" I call out gently with a shy smile and wave at my handsome boss.

Mr. Marshall is an attractive 30-year-old man, with short black hair that is always styled to perfection in a quif. He has captivating dark brown eyes, and a sharp jawline that could cut glass. If I was bold, and thought I had a chance with him once I turned a legal adult, I would make an honest try to date him. He's currently single which I have no idea how or why, and he's also gay. 

"Bye Kai, see you in the morning! Bye Blake!" Mr. Marshall calls back with a knee-jerking smile and wave. 

"Dude, seriously?" Blake chuckles once we're out of the store. 

"What?" I innocently asks, even though I know what he means, as we walk toward his truck; he picked me up this morning and dropped me off at work, so I don't have to drive home later in the dark since I hate driving in the dark. 

"You know exactly what. He's too old for you, and he's your boss," Blake seriously replies, and Blake is never serious too often. 

"Neither mean I can't appriecate his fineness," I mutter with a smirk before climbing into the passenger seat of his red Chevy S-10.

"You're horrible, but I love you anyway," he chuckles while starting his truck, and driving us towar the mini-golf location. 

"I know, and I love you, too," I grin, while bouncing in my seat once I've belted myself; Blake and I spend a half-an-hour at the mini-golf course, with him kicking my as in the game as usual. 

"Alright, my Kai-bear, we are going to watch a movie, and then we'll have dinner at our diner," he tells me, driving toward the movie theater. 

We have a diner we always go to whe we're out together. Now, before you ask why Blake and I don't date is simple: 1. we're best friends and have been since we were 3-years-old, and 2. Blake is straight. 

"Awesome! What movie are we gonna see?" I ask excitid and seat dancing. 

"Dude, did you have any cafiene today?" he chuckles. 

"Yeah, I had four cups of coffee and a Khaos Monster," I grin, still dancing in my seat. 

"Kai Journey, not so much cafienee tomorrow, and none at dinner tonight either," Blake scolds, parking at the theater, and turning the engine off with a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry, B. I needed it to wake up this morning, and I didn't mean to over do it," I pout with a wobbling lower lip. 

"I understand, Kai, just not so much again. Are you able to sit through an entire movie?" he asks searching my face for his own answer. 

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