" I know I'm definitely dreaming" I said sitting in front of a big nice mansion.

My fathers home was by far the most Amazing view I could ever see

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My fathers home was by far the most Amazing view I could ever see.

No wonder he was so private about his lifestyle.. well that's what my mother told me.

Walking out,  and into the front yard I was greeted by guards and maids.

" hello Storm" they all said in unity

With a smile still plaster on my face i started waving.

" um hi. Im looking for my dad" I said.

They all pointed their fingers towards the open door where I could hear soft jazz music playing.

" thanks"

Inching my way more inside this big place I took noticed of a girl who look around my age sitting on the arm of the chair.

" hi I take you it you must be Storm Lyles" the girl spoke up.

Placing my purse on the near by table I nodded my head.

" yes I am, and you are ?"

She got up before approaching me.

She then extended her hand out and I accepted it.

" I'm star, star Lyles Dominic is my father."

My Mouth  drop as my mother never told me about him having another child.

I was boiling with happiness as the thought of me having a sister who's my age at that.

" wow, I- I can't believe this I have a sister"

" more like stepsisters" she corrected.

" right. So you know where I can find our dad?" I said wanting to sound more comfortable.

How much I wanted to feel comfortable I was so nervous inside not knowing what I walk myself into.

" yeah he's down the hall first door on your right"

" thank you so much" grabbing my bag I headed down the hall.

" oh and Storm it was so nice to meet you" I could hear her say in the distance.

" yeah same—"

Turning around I was a bit shock to see a empty hallway as I could have sworn I heard her voice as if she was standing right behind me.

Okay that was odd

My feet was standing in front of the door where I could make out a figure moving around inside.

I was so nervous but I found myself knocking on it.

" yes come in" he announced.

Taking in a deep Breath I turn the knob and walk inside the office.

" wow you look just like your mother" he said standing up from his desk.

With tears already in my eyes I quickly ran over to him as we hug each other tight.

" oh my god, I can't believe I'm here Hugging you right now "

He pulled me back as he use his thumb to wipe away my water works.

" wow baby girl you look very pretty, gosh where's my manners care for a drink?" He offered.

He walk around his desk before opening up a fridge.

Variety of sodas, teas, juices, water bottles you name it he had.

" yes please a water."

" we have a lot of catching up to do please have a seat."

He sat back down into his chair, as I took a seat in front of his desk.

" how's your mother?

" she's been good. Beside keeping tabs on me" we laughed.

" she doesn't talk about you much so I apologize if I don't know much about you"

He waved his hand as if he was fine with that.

" and how could you? me and your mother wasn't really on good terms last couple days we were together"

As he went on about my mother, I looked around at his walls to see lots of degrees, trophies on his shelf, and of course pictures with him and star.

" so I should tell you about my gift and how I came about them "

Getting adjusted my purse slip between my legs hitting the floor.

"My apologies"

Picking up my purse I looked under the seat to find what looks to be sj bag by his feet.

I stayed down a little longer before I heard him clear his throat.

Sitting back up I was confuse.

" is everything alright you was down there for a minute" he smirk.

His grin was very creepy like he knew what  i seen under his desk.

" uhh— yea...yeah—"

" what's wrong cat got your tongue" star said before appearing out of nowhere which definitely spook me.

Storm get your ass up girl it's time to go

" okay it was great meeting you dad, but I should get back home my daughters waiting  for me.... Dinner"

" right you mean your puppy should I say pebbles right?"

" how you know that?, have you been spying on me" I ask furious.

Before I could get up I felt a sharp sting in my back as my hands was getting strap down.

" technically no, but I had a good friend to help me out with that.

Turning my head I seen Chanel walking from behind me.

" okay you guys have exactly two seconds to tell me what's going on here or I'll kill YOU ALL "  I yelled out to them .

" we know you can that's why I took precautions, in fact I have more In store for you but for now sleep" my father told me.

I tried my best to fight my way through these ropes before I felt that awful stinging  sensation going through my bones.

Before I knew it everything turned black.

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