Friendzone (Kise x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Did i do it right (F/N)cchi?" He asked you, cutting you off of your trance. Reality hits you hard and made you realized that it wasn't real.

"Y-Yes, it's great! I bet she'll quickly fall inlove with you!" You chirped and faked a smile, but inside...

You're broken...

You expected that it will turn out like this since your bestfriend asked you for this, what can you do? You can't say no to him, and for another reason, it was the only reason for you to get more closer to him.

"Really? Thank you (F/N)cchi! I'm really glad that i have a bestfriend like you! I owe you a lot, ne ne (F/N)cchi let's have a celebration if i got (Random Girl) date me-ssu!" You just smiled and waved back at him, can't manage to say anything.

"There comes a time in our lives when we had a chance to meet someone who's nice and positive and find ourselves getting more and more attracted to that person."

"This feelings soon become part of our daily lives and eventually consumes our thoughts and actions."

"The sad part is, when we begin to realize that this person feels nothing more than just a simple friendship."

"Then we start our desperate attempts to get noticed. But in the end..."

"Our efforts are still unrewarded..."

"And end up being sorry for ourselves"


This day is the day Ryota will confess to that girl as you feel more and more anxious. If he succeeded on his attempt, that means he will no longer act like your boyfriend. You know that's wrong but you'll still miss it.

You were walking through the hallways when you heard a familiar voice called you.

"(F/N)cchi! Oooi! (F/N)cchi!"

Turning around, you saw an unexpected sight. Ryota, smiling like there's no tomorrow, holding hands with a girl. Your heart shattered into pieces when you saw that scene.

"Meet my new girlfriend (Random Girl)!"

You faked a smile as tears blurred your vision, you quickly congratulated him and the girl. You didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"Ne, Congrats Ryo-chan! Finally, you got her yes" With that, you excused yourself and go to the rooftop, crying your eyes out.

(A/N: You can play the song on the media section if you like ^^,)

Jealous of the girl who caught your eye
One of my darker days
When you look at her, where was i?
Should've been in her place
Here i am
All alone imagining
What might have been
What could've been
If i've been there...

It was lunchtime when you, Ryouta and his girlfriend had a lunch together in canteen.

"(RG/N)cchi say ahh~" Ryouta happily neared the food to his girlfriend which she gladly accepted it, you on the other hand was quietly eating, reminiscing the times Ryota did that to you too.

"Hey, isn't that (L/N)? She's the ex of Kise right? Poor girl.." You heard someone loudly whispered as you bowed your head in shame, buzzes of people who were talking about you made you disheartened. You stood up.

"Sorry, i have to go buy a drink" You smiled, but they just nodded not bothering to look at you. Feeling hurt, you quietly walked out of the canteen, stopping yourself from crying.

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