Ch.4 This isn't over yet

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Niall's P.O.V.

We quickly made our way across the street and to Harry's house. I was pretty suprised at how long he had held her, even Louis had a hard time holding her for 2 seconds. "Harry, we have to tell the police about this you know." said Liam breaking the awkward silence. Typical Liam being protective. We had finally reached Harry's house and followed him inside. "What do we do now?" I awkwardly asked to nobody in general. "How the heck would I know Niall?!"Harry yelled while whipping his whole body around to face me. "Well then..." I say while sitting down on the couch. I must have dozed because I bolted straight up when I heard a loud scream. I quickly ran up the stairs and into Harry's room. As soon as I walked in I saw terror in Ashley's eyes.

Ashley's P.O.V.

"Get. Off. Of. My. Bed.!!" I heard somebody scream at me. What? I fluttered my eyes open and say 4 figures standing above me. I screamed out of panic and pulled the covers over my face. I heard thumps on the stairs and saw Niall staring at me. He must have seen the terror in my eyes because he quickly ran over to me. He cradled my head in his arms and started to gently rock back and forth. "What did you guys do to her?" Niall said with anger boiling up in his voice. "We didn't do anything!" Zayn said back to him extending the 'we'. I craned my neck and there was an instant pain racing through my neck. I grabbed my neck and screamed. It felt as if somebody had gotten a knife and put a slit in my throat. Then all the memories came back. The park. The tree. The knife. Everything started flooding back. "I..I'm....hurting." was all the croaked out. It hurt to even take a deep breath. I took my hands off neck and saw that they were covered in blood. "Blood!" Liam screamed while jumping in a corner. Okay.... That was really weird. Harry the grabbed my two wrists and dragged me to the bathroom. I screamed in pain as the pain came back to my neck. Harry the turned the water on and placed my hands under the cold water. It hurt to move everything. Every move I made would make the slit hurt even more. I then felt somebody behind me. I tensed my body up and closed my eyes. I slightly moved my neck making sure not to move it too much. It was Niall. He grabbed my wrists from behind and moved them making sure to get all the blood off of them. "Clean?" he asked me. "Um, their good." I weirdly replied. He gave me a big smile which made me happy for once. "Oh crap! I need to get home!" I said to Niall breaking the tension. "You're not going anywhere with a neck like that." "Well, what do I do then?" I replied blankly. I really did have nothing. "I'll drive her!" Louis said while waving his arms up and down. I did a big sigh and said okay. "YEAHH!" Louis said whole running downstairs to probably grab the keys. But, I had this feeling it wasn't going to be a walk in the park. I was making my way down the stairs when arms wrapped themselves around me. I turned around to see Niall. "Pleasd be careful love." I shot him a reassuring smile and continued walking down the stairs. I was walking to the door when I heard shatter behind me. I spun around and saw nothing. Well that was weird... I waked out the door and got to the car. I opened the door and plopped in the seat. I turned around to look at Louis and he had an evil look on his face. "Why were you so happy to drive me home?" I asked the question that has been in my head for the last five minutes. "Oh no reason." he smirked while backing out of the driveway. We had finally gotten to my house and I was about to get out of the car when I heard Louis call my name. I turned to look at him and he said something I was not ready to hear at all.



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