Chapter 10

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"Wow, you're a lot later than normal," Toko sneered as Makoto entered the room.

"I can't help but agree with Miss Fukawa," Byakuya grinned across the table at the smaller boy who was pulling out a chair from the table. "Why are you so late, Naegi?"

"I uh, I slept through the alarm," Makoto said nervously.

"You look kinda red Naegi!" Asahina called out. "You ok?"

Makoto blushed harder. "Y-yeah I'm fine." He sat down next to Mondo as Yasuhiro wandered through the door.

"Hey Makoto buddy, why did you come out of-"

"Not now!" Makoto hissed.

Hiro jumped in surprise. "Waaah?! Calm down dude!"

"I'll explain later Hiro," Makoto said quickly.

"You seen a bit off today Naegi, are you ok?" Sakura's scratchy, low voice asked.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, I had a weird dream, don't worry about it, we should let Ishimaru talk," Makoto ended the discussion.

"Thank you Naegi!" Kiyotaka stood up and placed his hands on the table. "How is everyone today?" Makoto zoned out a little as the loud boy began listening to what everyone had to say. He glanced up at Byakuya. Byakuya winked. Makoto could feel his faces growing hot again as he quickly looked away.

"You good there dude?" came Mondo's voice from somewhere beside him.

"Y-yeah I'm fine..."

"You sure? Ha, you're going red again!"

"Please be quiet Mondo..."

"And why the fuck should I?"

"I am talking, you two," Hina called annoyedly from across the table. "Please shut up."

Mondo glared at her. "Or what? Huh? Fuck off Asahina,"

Sakura quickly stood up, staring at Mondo. "Do not speak to her like that," she said calmly.

"What the fuck you gonna do? You can't kill me in front of everyone," Mondo cracked his knuckles.

"Guys please sit down," Makoto stood up too, putting a hand out as if to tell them to stop. "We don't have to time fight!"

Mondo suddenly jumped out at Makoto, grabbing the front of his blazer. "I'll do whatever I-"

"Put him down,"

"Hmm? What was that bitch?" Mondo looked around to see Byakuya glaring angrily at him.

"I said PUT HIM DOWN you croissant-haired bastard," Byakuya spat.

"Why the fuck you care about him so much, f*ggot?"

Makoto heard a few people gasp. Byakuya gritted his teeth.

"M-Mondo can you put me down?" Makoto squeaked.

"Ugh, whatever," Mondo let go of Makoto's front and heavily sat back down. Sakura place herself back on her chair, still as calm as before. Kiyotaka moved himself around to behind Mondo and put his hands on Mondo's shoulders. "Calm down Kyoudai, Hina just wanted to speak."

"Ugh fine, whatever," Mondo patted Taka's hand gently. "You can go sit back down bro, I'll shut up."

Taka smiled and went back to his position at the head of the table. "Continue, Aoi!"

"Thanks Ishimaru!" Hina happily continued her announcement.

Makoto pulled his legs up onto his chair so his chin was resting on his knees. Wow, Byakuya actually stood up for me... does this mean... he cares? Makoto glanced up at Byakuya and gave a small smile. Byakuya locked eyes with him and blinked, very purposefully, like he was trying to communicate without letting anyone notice. Something inside Makoto did a little leap of happiness. He wasn't alone. He had someone there.


Sorry another short one ;-;

Just mass uploaded up to chapter 10 cos my friend wanted to read more-

Hope y'all like this cos I'm gonna be uploading probably a chapter a day until I've caught up to what I'm currently writing

Enjoy the gay fluff and the murder angst

(From future Squid)

Song: Tic Toc by Mother Mother

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