Prologue (Part 1): Dreams Come True...

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AN: This story is inspired by a BatIM oneshot written by Maria_FandomsIt's rather ironic considering I'm the one who suggested it. XD

Also, the prologue is based on scenes from the BatIM novel Dreams Come to Life. (If you haven't read it, then go read it. It's an amazing novel.)


Daniel "Buddy" Lewek

The only sound I could hear was the pipes. Aside from that, it was quiet. I was alone, having stayed late after everyone else had left. I was hunched over, working on perspective. Drawing lots of lines. It wasn't going too well. It had been a long day and I was tired, but I was determined. Determined to get this right.

"Hey, you... errand boy..." whispered a feminine voice. It was sweet and charming, with a slight southern accent.

I looked around but didn't see anyone. I found that odd. The voice I heard was so clear. Just then, I felt something tap me lightly on the nose. It was followed by a laugh that sounded a little airy and childish.

"You're cute when you're confused."

Again, I looked around but still didn't see anyone. Then, I heard singing. It was the same voice yet again. The song was heartbreaking, but hearing it sparked my curiosity. I had to find the source. I had to find the owner of the voice.

Alice Angel

I was very upset about being locked away. My imprisonment was completely unfair. I had been so curious when I came out of the Ink Machine. Everything around me was interesting, so it was only natural that I would explore my surroundings. Joey Drew saw me as a monster just because I came out wrong. Just because I lack a soul.

Admittedly, I also had some anger, but it was very brief. Unlike Bendy, I can't hold onto it for long. I don't like anger. It seeps in. It corrupts.

It didn't take long for me to realize Joey cared more about Bendy far more than me. In a way, it was my saving grace. The fact he cared so little about me meant I was left long. For the most part, no one bothered me. I was thankful for that. The last thing I wanted was to frighten someone.

However, my isolation can be difficult at times. I kept myself sane with hobbies such as singing, dancing, and meditation. Joey was rarely on my mind. I disliked his insistence on the corruption of children.

However, at the moment I was overjoyed. For ages, I have been waiting for a chance to escape my cell. An opportunity to do just that has finally presented itself. Freedom was finally within reach and it was thanks to Buddy Lewek.

I was feeling playful. I wanted to play with Buddy. So I took advantage of my latest discovery. With the help of my shadows, I could talk to others through the shadows of the studio. I could reach out and touch them.

To my delight, I had sparked Buddy's curiosity. He went to the Story Department and borrowed Dot's key. The sound of my signing echoed through the halls of the studio, luring the kid to my door. When Buddy arrived, I toyed with him a little. He put the key in the lock, and bang! My fist slammed on the door, startling him. I giggled at his reaction. After a few moments, he swallowed hard and then turned the key.


I went silent. No singing. No dancing. Nothing. Buddy was nervous as he took a deep breath. Despite that, he turned the door handle and pushed. The door creaked open a crack, then a bit more. Then he shoved it wide open.

An Ink Angel's LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant