Hello. We're here to meet you Pt3

Începe de la început

???: Grant them permission. If they truly are who they say they are, then we can't stop them.

?: Fine. Admiral Diana, you are allowed to dock...except we only have room for one ship and it's currently being used.

Diana: That won't be a problem. Kara, please

I made the boat float slightly as we approached the island, and then we got on land...with the boat.

Diana: Alright, all men stay here. We don't want to break any customs. So I'm sorry Tim, John, but looks like you'll just have to enjoy watching people from on board.

Tim: Damn it.

The females of the ship, which was just sis, me, Sarah, and Alisha, jumped off the ship and was greeted by woman of many proportions.

Guard: So you weren't lying. But please, what does the Formal Marine Admirals have to do here in Amazon Lily?

Diana: We need information. Information only your Queen has. Please lead us to her.

They decided to take the risk. After all, they knew what we did during our days as Admirals. It was either my way or MY WAY, the latter being much more painful that the former. No exceptions. That was what we were famous for after all.

We were led to the palace of Amazon Lily, and as soon as we saw Boa Hancock, I started having the De Ju Vu feeling. Of course Boa and Ivankov are are polar opposites in looks and their respective kingdoms but didn't we pretty much do the same thing (or are going do the same thing) for both of them?

We just really demanded entry into their Kingdom, got them to talk to us by force for information or a connection without giving a damn about anyone else. Well, at least nobody's getting hurt.

Diana: Hello Pirate Empress, I'm sure you've heard of us?

Boa: It would be stupid to have not heard of you two, though I can't say about the third member.

Me: Our newest member, her name is Alisha

Alisha: Hello~

Diana: Anyway, could we get right to talking? We came here for information and we'll leave as soon as we have it. We're looking for the location of Rusukaina.

Me: Before anything is said, I need you to know a few things about all of us here. First, we are not attracted to Straw Hat Luffy, second, we are not trying to harm him but we need to bring him information. Also, this one's for you. He loves his Nakama as much as he values his life so if you really want him why don't you officially ally with him or something? Or give him a lot of meat. That works as well.

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