Dipper nodded eagerly even though he really wanted to see a memory or two of Bill's.

"Alright then, close your eyes." Dipper did what he was told to and felt how Bill took his hand as his eyes started to glow.

Dipper could almost feel his soul leave his body for a second before opening his eyes again.


Dipper opened his eyes to be see nothing else than just white. The mindscape...? Dipper questioned.

"Yeah but mine." Dipper turned around to see Bill. Before Dipper hadn't noticed the dark circles under Bill's eyes because it was too dark but in here Dipper could clearly see that Bill was tired.

Bill also wasn't wearing his suit like he usually did in Dipper's mindscape but a yellow hoodie with black pants. He actually looked more like a sleep deprived teenager than a powerful demon.

"I see..." Dipper looked around like he was trying to find something. Bill noticed Dipper searching and spoke up.

"What are you looking for?" Bill asked.

"I don't know I just... well this is your mindscape after all. I expected it to be more..." Dipper shrugged and tried finding the words.

"More what? Weird? Insane?" Dipper nodded. "It is but... you don't need to see that. Right now, I am keeping you in the safest place in my mind."

"And where is that exactly?" Dipper asked and Bill groaned. His mind was a bit more complicated than a human's.

"Umm... how do I explain this...?" Bill rubbed the back of his head. "I guess you can say we are in my 'safe place'(?). There is absolutely nothing here, no memories, no emotions, nothing. I created this place for when I need to get away from my own thoughts."

"I see..." Dipper tried understanding. "So where are these nightmares?"

Bill took Dipper's hand and lead him towards a direction. It looked like they weren't going anywhere until Bill reached out and a door appeared.

The door was wooden and was a crimson red color with a golden knob. Bill opened the door and they both stepped in a hallway.

The hallway was twisting in ways a normal hallway shouldn't. There weren't only doors on the left and right side but also on the ceiling and the floor.

As Bill was leading Dipper the gravity seemed to be way off since at some point Dipper was pretty sure they had started walking on the ceiling.

All the doors looked different. Ones seemed pretty normal, other had eyes and mouth (one even tried to eat Dipper).

Bill then stopped in front of a big black door. The door had multiple locks on it and was boarded up, like there was a beast in there was needed to be kept away, and surely enough just as Dipper thought that someone, or more like something started banging and hammering on the door.

Dipper took a step back as he was kind of scared of whatever was on the other side, but Bill just stepped forward.

"In here is the not so nice part of my mind." Bill said. "The only thing we will be looking at is the nightmares, got it?"

Dipper nodded but Bill still looked nervous. Why did I even bring Pinetree here? This was a bad idea. Bill thought but it was too late, Dipper was already eager to see how Bill's mind looked like.

While Dipper wanted to see how Bill's mind looked like since well... why not? Dipper and Bill were close, and Bill knows Dipper's mind like his own since he had been there thousands of times before so, what was the problem in Dipper seeing Bill's mind too?

Bill then opened the door which revealed another long hallway but this time way creepier. It was dark and the walls were grey, the ceiling was high, but it was still narrow.

The doors were way older looking and there were spider webs all over the place, like this place was supposed to be forgotten but never really was.

Bill didn't seem bothered by the creepy aura the place had and just walked inside but it took a second or two for Dipper to have the courage to do so too.

The males walked through the dark hallway with many doors. All the doors were boarded up and most of them had something on the other side that was banging and wanting to be set free. While other doors were just peaceful... but that somehow made them even more creepy to look at.

What is that...? Dipper's attention was caught by one of the many doors. It didn't look as deadly as the others, but it was still boarded up. It was a pastel blue color with small, dead flowers growing on it.

Dipper's curiosity got the best of him so he couldn't stop himself before reaching out to open the door. Dipper stopped himself just about as he was going to touch the knob and looked at Bill-... where was Bill?

Dipper looked around but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Well, this is great." Dipper thought out loud. "I am lost in an insane demon's mind."

He looked around once more before returning his gaze towards the door. If Bill was nowhere to be seen, Dipper might as well try and go inside a few doors.

Taking a deep breath, Dipper opened the door. Considering the fact, it was literally boarded up the door was actually quite easy to open.

Dipper walked in and at first it was complete darkness as the door slammed behind him.

While Bill had been totally lost in his thoughts. He was trying to walk as fast as possible through the hallway of his fears and just stuff he wanted to forget in general.

Bill couldn't even remember why he thought it was such a good idea to bring Dipper here, he just seemed not to be able to refuse the human.

That had been quite a problem since Dipper once requested a giant octopus monster from another dimension when he was eight and Bill had the hardest time explaining that if he did spawn the big creature it would try and eat Dipper.

As Bill was speed walking down the hallway he noticed Dipper was being quiet.

"Pinetree, are you keeping up?" Bill turned around and to his horror Dipper was nowhere to be seen. "Pinetree...? Pinetree!? PINETREE!"

Bill spun around a few times to make sure Dipper wasn't magically behind him and pulling a prank, but Dipper wasn't there.

"Shit, shit fuck shit." Bill cursed as he started opening one door after another, desperately trying to find Dipper. "This can't be happening, I couldn't have possibly lost Pinetree here."

And back to Dipper.

It was full darkness for a few seconds.

"Hello?" Dipper called out. As he started to think this was a trap when a little blue sparkle appeared in front of Dipper.

He decided to go closer to the sparkle that had now grown into a little blue fire. When Dipper got closer and reached out to touch it, the fire just danced around Dipper's fingers playfully.

Dipper smiled; this didn't seem so bad.

The fire was acting like it was happy that Dipper was here, like he had waited for him. Suddenly the fire started floating in another direction and Dipper naturally followed.

"P-Please come. You need to see t-this." The fire spoke.

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